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Everything posted by Dexmorgan

  1. Thanks for your prompt reply. Looks promising, will have a close look
  2. Hi Guys, I have a rather unique situation. I have a windows VM that runs an app that creates huge amount of temporary data. This data is not useless when the VM is shutdown and data is not reusable. So instead of creating this vdisk and allocating a big space in my SSD, I would like to create this vdisk on the fly as I start my VM. When I shutdown, the vdisk can be automatically remove to space my SSD space for other purpose. Is this possible to do? Apology is this has been asked before. I couldn't find anything related. TIA, Dex
  3. @KptnKMan Thanks for the comprehensive write up and share of experience. I have been trying this for ages without luck. I have done the multifunction, bus and slot suggested without any luck... the screen just went blank. I am on Asus X470 Pro Prime + Ryzen 2700X with Zotac GTX1060 6GB Amped version. The VM works without passthrough via VNC, but with GPU passthrough, I dont think it even booted properly as I can't even RDP in. Not sure how to troubleshoot further. any suggestion?
  4. @LOOPMDS you are my hero! thanks alot Buddy! I havent got back earlier cos wanted to be sure that the solution does indeed work. Happy to report that it's been 5 days and 10 hours without incident... hope it stays that way. It was the Spaceinvader's video that helped... i swear i must have watched all of his videos but missed this 🤪. It was the rcu_nocbs that finally stopped the crashes. Next thing is to try the gpu passthrough.... again!
  5. So, I double checked and reran the memtest86 version 9 (not the one the unraid flash) for 4 passes with no errors. Also I rechecked the bios again. The global C State was already disabled. But the Power Supply Idle Control was set to Auto. I changed to Typical. The system ran for 3 days, I was hoping that the issue was finally solved..... only that it wasn't. It crashed and booted itself about an hour ago. What else could be wrong? Please help
  6. I did memtest on the new RMAed chips for 1 pass if I remember correctly. Power Supply Idle Control too was changed sometimes back. Will check again if I have flipped it back. Any other idea?
  7. Dear Experts, I am at the end of my wits... considering to convert my unraid to simple windows machine I have been having unexplained reboots since I built the system around 2 years ago. The system would just reboot randomly. Sometimes during heavy load, other times when there was no load at all. System hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 2600x + ASUS Prime X470-Pro HyperX FURY 3466MHZ 2x8gb Samsung 970 EVO 500GB M.2 Seasonic Focus Plus Gold 750W PSU Couple of WD Reds + Seagate Zotac GTX1060 6GB AMP but not used - have been trying to GPU passthrough to Windows VM without luck. What I have tried: Config: 1. Bios - disable C-state 2. Lowered RAM speed from 3466mhz to 2400mhz 3. Disabled VM manager 4. Disable docker Hardware: changed almost every part (RMA 1 to 1 exchange) 1. Motherboard 2. RAM 3. Power Supply 4. Have tried removing the GPU running headless, no difference. Currently it is attached but not used. The only things that I haven't changed are the CPU and SSD. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks diagnostics-20210307-2328.zip
  8. did you just add vdisk2.img in the xml? You will need to physically create the img file. i did that by specifying '2nd Vdisk Location' in the 'Form View'. When that's done, save and edit again in xml mode to change the 'e1000'. hope this helps, I was stuck at the same step as you... I got xpenology running fine now, but it can't see the Unraid Mount Tag. I can't see the Unraid shares from the xpenology. Can someone help? have been playing with mount and fstab... but couldnt get it to work
  9. @AKPanda, how do you access the 'Sur' folder inside xpenology? I added a Unraid Share mount in my xml, but cant see the folder inside XPEnology. how did you do it?
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