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Posts posted by acozad1

  1. I have updated my unraid to the new release and now my system will not boot. I get the Unraid count down and then it just reboots. Any thoughts of what I can do? I was running the RC just fine and now I cannot boot. Any instructions, would be really appreciated. Thank you.

  2. Yes, I do have 4k movies that are than transcode to other guests who have 1080p tv. I personally have all 4k tv so that there is direct play available to me personally. But a lot of my guest users are only on 1080. So there is a lot of transcoding going on.


    I have never tried Emby. But I am really considering it with what you have described about it being better for transcoding. Its just I have went all down on Plex, buying the Pass and everything.

  3. I have about four to five at different times, from different people on different devices, with different resolutions. So it seems that they have different needs and I noticed that my 8700k was just getting hammered at 99% to 100% on different cores with a total at 80% to 90%. It just surprised me because I thought this processor, like you said would be capable to handle this, but seems like its to much. While looking around I heard that the P2000 seemed to do a good job as well.

  4. I wish i had the time to read everything everyone posts. But i have only be at this for a little while and still learning everything there is to unraid and trying to read everything everyone posts. So please excuse me, if I make some mistakes along the way of learning how unraid and plex are encoding and decoding things.

  5. Really. I thought that my Nvidia P2000 would pick up a lot of the heavy-lifting. I did know that the audio would go through the CPU but that  Plex Media Server will attempt to use hardware-accelerated video codecs when encoding and decoding video. Dam. Well thanks for the help on this. I guess I may need to upgrade my CPU from i7 8900k to an AMD Threadripper or something like that.

  6. So in Plex there is no option to choose which gpu to pick. In plex its just that box you check and thats it to my knowledge. But I am a dumb dumb. So it seems to be working now. But my CPU seems to be still loading up when there is transcoding going on. From 4k to 1080p for my guests who only have a 1080p TV. The watch nvidia-smi shows my GPU working and its showing 3% to 6% but again the CPU is loading up like crazy. Alot of red lines in the dashboard which freaks me out.

  7. Hello Everyone. So I have been reading alot of these posts and have tried different things and have watched spaceinvaders video about getting my Nvidia P2000 to transcode my plex movies. I have been out of luck in this department. I am hoping someone could please help me through this. I would hate to let this card go to waste because I am dumb.

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    Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 4.44.25 PM.png

  8. Thanks everyone for the help. I will take this all in and try it on another docker. Fingers crossed. But know that I have Plex up and running, I am jumping around the house like a little kid. Kinda of the whole reason I am learning this. Any suggestions for apps that could help my Unraid run smoother with Plex? Thanks again to everyone for your help on this. Much appreciated.

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