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Everything posted by hobbyistlobbyist

  1. I love how user-friendly and approachable unRAID is. The GUI makes getting started easy for someone new to networking and servers but is also just challenging enough (in a good way) to encourage such novices to learn more on their and really engage in their system. With that in mind, I also love how helpful the people are in the forums, and that unRAID developers can get involved in the discussions. I would love a feature added within the GUI to simplify the communication between docker containers on different networks. I do understand the walls between networks are put up by design with macvlan and that there are ways to bore through them with VLANs, but that option will make it even more approachable and aid people who don't have VLAN capable networking hardware.
  2. Very much interested in this ability. mprasil's Bitwarden container, for example, requires both a reverse proxy and to be on the bridge network, yet my letsencrypt container and all others need to be on br0. I've been trying to use my 2nd NIC as a workaround, so far unsuccessfully.
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