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Everything posted by olipassey

  1. Ah fab, all back up now. Thank you, greatly appreciated!
  2. Morning, I woke up to my Unraid server web gui being inaccessible, unable to SSH in etc had to reboot. Disk 3 is now showing Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system. I believe i have corruption on Disk 3. Would you reccomend following steps in this thread for a repair? Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. tower-diagnostics-20240516-0957.zip
  3. Fresh install is indeed fine - it seems to be the upgrade that fails. I'm using the same config and modules on both sides of the upgrade and they function on both, so not sure its a module causing the issue. Yes, i tried the force update and it had the same behaviour. I think its more a magicmirror issue than a docker issue (as it works on a fresh install) but appreciate your reply. I can work around it for now.
  4. Hey - latest upgrade seems to have broken magicmirror2 docker. Upgrade goes through but then the app won't start and goes into a boot loop. They have tweaked the node version which seems to have caused loads of issues with ubuntu / raspbian. Could this be the issue in the docker as well? To fix, i had to create a new appdata directory, reinstall modules and copy over the config and custom css files from the broken appdata folder. I have 3 magicmirror docker containers running on one unraid server, one ugpraded (but now fixed and two remain untouched) Any advice you can offer would be appreciated
  5. Thanks for this, all working here. Is there a way to import a current game save? I've been playing with some friends online and ideally would like to move our current save into the dedicate server if possible.
  6. Brilliant - will take a look. and thanks for all your work on the various media related containers - has saved me hours.
  7. CRITICAL (runtime:709) - Private handlers are no longer supported; couldn't register <bound method StreamService.token_handler of <streamservice.StreamService object at 0x1461d6be3150>> Im getting this in my logs - not sure if its related - and then the server goes into proxy mode from what i can see. Any advice on getting a fresh server generated?
  8. A friend is also having problems with a new install. Took a look last night, reinstalled and tried everything i could to get it running happily but ultimately failed. From what i remember when i installed things a month or so ago, i started the container, navigated to the GUI, logged in and was greeted by a fresh server to config. My friend did the same but after login was presented with his current plex server. Nothing we did was able to initiate a new server setup within the plexpass account. I don't have logs to hand, but will be trying again tomorrow night. Is it possible to install an older version of the container?
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