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Posts posted by yendi

  1. Guys I need your help: I am struggleing since 2 weeks and I am so desperated that i'm considering getting back to HDD as I cannot figure out what is happening, It drives me nuts!!!


    I am unable to reliably stream media since about 2 weeks: Plex is giving me a infinite spinning wheel with no error when I start a media. It's not on a particular media, anything can be affected. 


    I have the same issue when mounting the share on Windows and trying to start the file: either explorer get unresponsive, either VLC will just be stuck.


    The issue is NOT happening on local files (if they have not yet been uploaded)


    I tried the following:

    • Update all dockers
    • Fix dockers perms
    • Downgrade to 6.6.7
    • Reinstall rclone-beta
    • Reinstall Unionfs
    • Change buffer size
    • Parity check



    I'm pretty sure it is not linked to plex as I face the same issue on Windows so I am feeling hopeless...


    Maybe you guys can help me? @DZMM




  2. 1 hour ago, bytchslappa said:

    If your are running 6.7.x you could be hitting an issue a number of us have experienced.  When writing to the array, performance of docker, VMs, other writes goes down to the point they stop responding.. 

    Rolling back to 6.6.7 gets everything working again..

    i think it's the issue i'm facing. I don't like to downgrade so I will wait for a fix. Thanks

  3. I resurrect this post as it is not clear for me:

    I have a 8 cores CPU and I isolated 4 cores so unraid does not use them.

    If I don't pin any docker, will they use the 4 cores + the 4 isolated cores that unraid is unable to use or will they be restricted to the same cores as unraid?


  4. 1 minute ago, DZMM said:

    Just Thumbnail creation for the reasons you've listed above ;-). I had a big pre-existing library that didn't have thumbnails - it would also take forever for my server to create and I'm not sure if they are needed.  I don't miss them.


    Other guides recommend disabling doing the media analysis due to potential API bans, but I've never had a problem even when adding new content to Plex/google continuously at up to 1Gbps continuously for multiple days at times.

    Thanks for all those info man! Really you make me save thousands in HDD :D

    Have a nice weekend ;)

    • Upvote 1
  5. Just now, DZMM said:

    Nope - rclone move just won't upload anything local that's younger than 15d.  I've set mine to 15min (I think) because I don't want anything local.

    Ok thanks ! So I will put 15D so I have a local 15 days cache to ease up thumbnail creation and prevent a huge bandwidth usage when many people are playing a recent content.

    Do you have some plex settigns that you deactivate as they are incompatible with Rclone? I have left everything on (even the partial scans etc) and did not see any issue. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Bolagnaise said:

    Thankyou so much, i have only 10GB of ram currently and was seeing rclone crashes in unraid and out of memory issues. Im upgrading to 16GB tommorow

    Cool to know that I my issue is helping others !

    I can confirm that since I upgraded my RAM I have not faced any issues (added 8 gb) and lowered the buffer to 128mb. 

    For now I have noticed no difference between 128 and 256 buffer size on a 1000/300 fiber. 


    Cheers !

  7. On 8/1/2019 at 9:37 PM, yendi said:

    I think there is an issue with Rclone: I saw in live the dismount issue and saw this:

    rclone had multiple processes using 100% of available memory. Then it crashes and I have to use the unmount script before the being able to remount.




    Is there any possible explanation?


    So with the help of rclone guys I might have found the issue:


    I have 12 gb of ram and when I upload + all the services running on unRAID i am using about 8.5 of the ram.

    When Plex is doing the thumbnails it seems that it consume all remaining ram for the job: it consume some ram for Plex itself + the --buffer-size 256 * number of opened files. Apparently its 4-5 files simultaneously.


    I lowered the buffer-size variable to 128mb and I have not seen the issue since 24h.


    Hope it helps someone who would face this issue !

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/31/2019 at 2:09 PM, DZMM said:

    you could try reducing the number of uploads and checkers in the upload script to reduce ram usage.  An extra 8GB might do the trick, but you might need to change some of the buffer settings in the mount command if you anticipate having a lot of concurrent streams

    I think there is an issue with Rclone: I saw in live the dismount issue and saw this:

    rclone had multiple processes using 100% of available memory. Then it crashes and I have to use the unmount script before the being able to remount.




    Is there any possible explanation?


  9. The union fs part allow you to use the upload system and to have both cloud and upload folder merged. So no you dont need that if yu just want to mount a gdrive: You just need "rcloune mount" command. You should check rclone help to chekc what argument to add to your command so it suits your need or just try with one like this:

    rclone mount  --buffer-size 256M --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 32M --fast-list --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrive_media_vfs: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs


  10. On 7/29/2019 at 9:59 PM, DZMM said:

    Have you tried restarting sonarr?  I change the paths of shows/movies frequently without any problems, both from mount folders to another mount folder and in the past from local-2-mount and vice versa

    I had multiple rclone crash since yesterday (mount is suddenly empty, not only when using Sonarr, also with Plex Scans) but I think I found the issue: I "only" have 12gb of RAM, and the upload + services running on unRAID are eating up 70% of the memory. I read that rclone tend to crash when no RAM is available and I saw that when I do a library scan, memory tend to go to the 90%ish so I ordered 8 gb of more ram... I will give a feedback when my RAM arrive to tell you if its the shortage that make rclone crash.

  11. 24 minutes ago, DZMM said:

    Have you tried restarting sonarr?  I change the paths of shows/movies frequently without any problems, both from mount folders to another mount folder and in the past from local-2-mount and vice versa

    Well, not it seems to be working correctly. The only thing I changed is disabling a plugin (Unbalance) and restarting the server.

    I try to browse an other show and it seems to work perfectly 🤷‍♂️

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