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Everything posted by fsix

  1. fsix

    bzroot unpacking

    could you attach a screenshot of what kind of control it gives now? curious, but I wont have access to my unraid install for a bit longer sadly the fact that there's lxc support through your plugin though, has me extremely excited, since that's 60% of why I can't switch I believe does your plugin expose regular lxc commands too? and which ones? lxd (e.g. lxc shell) or lxc (e.g. lxc-attach)?
  2. fsix

    bzroot unpacking

    I was going to, but now it's just regular debian with libvirt, since proxmox wraps everything into their own weird tooling, unlike unraid, I'm still on the fence if I should just migrate over entirely to unraid... but I also like just having regular debian on my host for lxd/lxc container support natively, no hacking around for virt-manager and other useful things..
  3. fsix

    bzroot unpacking

    I want to run unraid from a container, because then it could share the ram with my host dynamically, instead of reserving large amounts whenever not necessary and crashing if it runs out of it. I've extracted the bzroot successfully thanks! will see how I fix the start up of it now, since it's throwing bunch of errors.
  4. Wiki entries like this: https://wiki.unraid.net/Installing_unRAID_on_a_full_Slackware_distro and other related media documents it as either: or xzcat and alternatives, but none work on the recent versions of unraid: so how does one unpack the current bzroot? cheers
  5. Oh, that does make sense actually, then just to clarify: if I set it to the "array off" schedule, it'll finish the script first before actually turning off the array?
  6. Thanks! Wonder if there is a better method then to schedule for actual poweroff only then? since I do sometimes stop the array and it could take some time to sync the backup. Your example would immediately exit and schedule it for "now" - so it would make sense only for power on I assume? otherwise it'll just poweroff and abort the script from executing, right?
  7. If I schedule something to be executed on "At Stopping Of Array" - will that make the power down wait for that user script to finish first? I wanted to have an automatic backup sync before powerdown, but since there is no scheduling for "At Power Off" or similar, I was wondering if it would work by just having it run at stop of array, though then it begs the question too; until my script finishes I can't start the array again either?
  8. @Squid Sadly didn't work, but the var.ini was the solution still! Start: #!/bin/bash CSRF=$(cat /var/local/emhttp/var.ini | grep -oP 'csrf_token="\K[^"]+') curl -k --data "startState=STOPPED&file=&csrf_token=${CSRF}&cmdStart=Start" http://localhost/update.htm Stop: #!/bin/bash CSRF=$(cat /var/local/emhttp/var.ini | grep -oP 'csrf_token="\K[^"]+') curl -k --data "startState=STARTED&file=&csrf_token=${CSRF}&cmdStop=Stop" http://localhost/update.htm
  9. @Squid Thanks! I guess it checks both for get and post values? because all forms I could find were doing a post exclusively. Based on what you said that should work, will try it in an hour or two to confirm: #!/bin/bash CSRF=$(cat /var/local/emhttp/var.ini | grep -oP 'csrf_token="\K[^"]+') wget -qO /dev/null http://localhost:$(lsof -nPc emhttp | grep -Po 'TCP[^\d]*\K\d+')/update.htm?cmdStart=Start&csrf_token=$CSRF
  10. I couldn't find how to move the other topic as I think it is more appropriate to be posted here after all, since it isn't really related to "general support" and more of the programming side of unraid:
  11. Since the dashboard now requires a csrf-token, the old wget-method does not work anymore: Is there any way to locally execute the array start/stop functions directly or is there a command for it? I have searched through tons of includes, php, template files and couldn't find where they actually execute it - besides all POSTing to the same endpoint. Of course a solution could be to have a headless browser or requests that regex out the csrf token prior, but it'd be much easier to just have something e.g. executed via ssh if available. Thank you in advanced!