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Posts posted by biggiesize

  1. 2 hours ago, Brian Yuen said:

    Hi, this is probably more of a general Gluetun question.. I have it setup and working via Wireguard and using AirVPN as a provider (Thanks for maintaining this container BTW!) and passing a handful of containers through it. The closest server I'm able to connect to is 6 hours away from me. I know for certain AirVPN has closer servers as I'm using one of them on my desktop. The list of servers also has the specific city and server that I want to connect to. However when I put that into the env variable in the settings, it throws an error and gives me a list to choose from:

    choices available are Alblasserdam, Atlanta Georgia, Auckland, Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Bucharest, Chicago Illinois, Dallas Texas, Dublin, Frankfurt, Jacksonville Florida, Kiev, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Manchester, Miami, Montreal, Munich, New York City, Oslo, Pennsylvania, Phoenix Arizona, Prague, Riga, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sofia, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tokyo, Toronto Ontario, Uppsala, Vancouver, Vienna, Zurich

    I also tried leaving the SERVER_CITIES variable blank and putting in the server host name, which didn't work as well and gave me a list to choose from.

    Any idea how I can specify a city/server outside of the list on the error log?

    Unfortunately, the servers list is hardcoded to help with security concerns. You can find a detailed explanation here:



    You do have the option to update the servers list yourself and add the ones you would like to connect to. You can find that information here:


  2. 3 minutes ago, st1994 said:

    Hi there,


    recently discovered this container, and i got it working and going.  Now i'm trying to route this other unraid container thru it:




    My issue is: after i've pointed rutorrent to gluetun with the "--net=container:GluetunVPN" paramater, rutorrent will not load.  It throws this error:


    024/02/15 11:11:10 [emerg] 1084#1084: bind() to failed (98: Address in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address in use)


    It appears the HTTP_CONTROL_SERVER_PORT is conflicting with the rutorrent container, per this comment:




    He suggests I change it;  I did so in the docker container settings for Gluetun, but when i restart the container, it still binds to the same 8000 port -- any advice on how i can change it permanently to another port?




    Change the HTTP_CONTROL_SERVER_PORT variable to HTTP_CONTROL_SERVER_ADDRESS and see if that works.
    It's on my list to update the unraid template but I haven't had much free time lately.

  3. The templates for the Unraid appstore are not always up to date with the change logs for the actual applications. I try to keep up with them when time allows. Even if the template is not updated with the new change logs, the application will still update whenever the dev pushes updates for the application. You can always look at the github repo for the application for an up to date change log as well.

  4. 14 hours ago, DevXen said:

    hey I've been getting this in my syslog over and over. not sure how to fix it?


    root: ddns-updater: Could not download icon https://github.com/DiamondPrecisionComputing/unraid-templates/blob/main/templates/img/ddnsgopher.png?raw=true

    Looks like a setting from an older version of the template. Edit the container and change the icon url to this:



  5. 5 hours ago, fusco98 said:



    I just switched from a linux box with portainer to unraid this week. I use PIA as my VPN provider.


    On the old system I was able to set a country (Canada or USA) as where I wanted gluetun to connect. I did all configuration using portainer.


    Gluetun on unraid will let me set country, region, or city but it won't connect. It won't even let me look at the logs. If I leave country, region, and city blank, it will connect to a random location anywhere in the world.


    Am I missing something regarding how to set where I want to exit PIA. Specifically I want to use cities such as Toronto, Buffalo, NY, Montreal, or countries such as USA or Canada, as well as regions such as Eastern USA and Eastern Canada. Can you please help me out.



    The Cities, Regions, etc. are defined differently in Gluetun vs PIA. Take a look at the servers list and see what options you have available.



  6. 2 hours ago, bouncing-skeptic5048 said:

    I got it to work again on 3.35.0, but the VPN_PORT_FORWARDING=on breaks everything. I can make it work without port forwarding, but that is exactly what I need from gluetun. I am using protonvpn.


    Also, now when I have the docker installed, it seems like all the traffic goes through it and I dont have access to the community apps anymore...


    Any way to unbreak this?

    Try switching back to bridge mode.

  7. 3 hours ago, bouncing-skeptic5048 said:

    Downgrading doesn't work for me. It keeps on restarting. Host mode works on latest, but I can't use it as I need nzbget and transmission to go through the container... Any other way to make it work?

    Host mode should not have any effect on containers connected through Gluetun.


    Also, you can remove the restart always from extra parameters field and it will not restart but that should only be done for testing.

  8. On 8/18/2023 at 1:43 PM, leif said:


    I managed to solve my issue by changing the network type of my docker from Bridge to Host mode and that for some unknown reason solved my problem it has always run in bridge mode before this update 


    1 hour ago, Johnyb62 said:

    Have the same issue, your fix got me back up & running (thanks). Case reported: here

    I have updated the CA template for Gluetun to default to Host instead of Bridge

  9. 56 minutes ago, leif said:

    Yes it worked in the previous  version I have tried to turn of DOT and its the same issue  

    Then I would probably change the repository to use :v3.35.0 instead of :latest. That should at least get you back up and running. Then I would probably open an issue with the dev. There could be a new feature or bug that I'm not aware of.



    • Thanks 1
  10. On 8/15/2023 at 3:18 PM, leif said:

    I just upgraded to the latest  version and and its restarting all the time with the following info/error 


    ERROR [vpn] cannot get version information: Get "https://api.github.com/repos/qdm12/gluetun/commits": context canceled

    INFO [healthcheck] program has been unhealthy for 26s: restarting VPN (see https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun-wiki/blob/main/faq/healthcheck.md)


    and its ongoing in a endless loop im running nordvpn 


    Can you post the full error log?

  11. 1 hour ago, davidudl said:

    Yes, I want that the network connection is GluetunVPN for the containers shown in the picture. What bothers me is that there are port mappings for the ports 3306, 1900, 7359, 8096 and 8920. The ports for the containers with the VPN  network connection (shown in picture) are defined in GlueTUN and they have nothing to do with the ports shown in port mappings.

    If memory serves me correctly, the UI doesn't look at the template for the container for the ports in use but instead inspects the container itself to see which ports are exposed. I wouldn't expect any issues. Possibly @bonienl would have more insight.

  12. 4 hours ago, davidudl said:


    i get some weird behaviour regarding port mappings with docker containers which are routed through Gluetun (see picture). The containers routed through Gluetun show port mappings of other containers which are NOT routed through Gluetun. In this case port 3306 is a MariaDB container and the other ones are from Jellyfin. It seems every time i restart the containers, they show other mappings. Everything seems to be working fine regardless, but why does this happen?

    Screenshot 2023-08-15 130434.png

    That looks to me like the containers are set to use "container:GluetunVPN" as their network connection. Make sure you go into each and set the "Network Type" accordingly.

  13. 2 hours ago, tmor2 said:

    Docker won't start, installation works.


    The only thing I changed after installing is time zone and webui port (incl. advanced option "WebUI=http://[IP]:[PORT:8899]")


    Error in logs says: "2023-08-12T23:57:43-04:00 ERROR cannot write configuration to file: open /updater/data/config.json: permission denied"


    What is solution?

    Did you follow the instructions when creating the config.json file and change the owner and permissions?

  14. 1 hour ago, doctortt said:


    See log full log below. I really don't want any OPTIONAL components to be loaded. If they were called OPTIONAL, no reasons they should be loaded by default even if they were not specified in the docker template. I keep on getting those healthy and unhealthy status in log, and it's very annoying.  If that's the case, I might just go ahead to use the openvpn docker directly - something simple and straight forward. 


    There is nothing that stands out as an obvious misconfiguration. The logs showing an I/O timeout will eventually occur to most users. It happening every 6 seconds generally shows when the server you're connecting to is invalid or the IP doesn't match anymore or that the server crashed. That scenario depends on how you are determining which servers to connect to. Are you specifying a single server only, a region, etc.


    The health check component is not optional and can not be disabled, only the variables are optional. This is by design as it leverages the docker health check.


    I would suggest looking into the extensive Wiki (here is the specific page on the healthcheck) or opening an issue with the dev.


  15. 22 minutes ago, doctortt said:


    I deleted all those optional health check components in the docker template, but when I started the Gluetun docker, those health settings came back. See screenshot please. 



    Correct, because that is what Gluetun defaults to.


    Can you post the entire log? It obfuscates all important details. I would like to rule out some other config issue.

  16. 21 hours ago, doctortt said:

    The docker template on Community Application comes with so many variables; can someone please tell me which variables I can just remove them from the template? 

    All of the health check variables are optional but what is included in the template are the application defaults. Most of the variables that are considered optional have OPTIONAL: in the variable description.

  17. 2 hours ago, csmstyle said:


    Can you clarify what you mean by this? Do I blank out the webui port from qbit settings WebUI prior to changing its networking over to gluetun or do I remove the WEBUI reference during the container install? Can I just hit edit and remove any reference of WebUI for the container config in Unraid? For some reason all I get is connection refused when trying to open the WebUI once Qbit is routed thru gluetun. I am certain I've followed all the advice about adding ports in the gluetun configuration plus adding my subnet in CIDR format. 

    You do not need to remove the port configuration inside the qbittorrent application. Just edit the container and remove the ports there. Stop the qbittorrent container. Then add the ports to gluetun. Then once gluetun is running and healthy start qbittorrent.

  18. 3 hours ago, chrismuc said:

    Hey there,


    I've been failing to route any container (preferably hotio/qbittorrent) through gluetun vpn.

    I just keep getting funny error messages when I try to start the qbittorrent container after deleting port mappings and changing the network to container:gluetun. Also some docker network adapter seems to be doing funny things.

    Can please someone try to help?


    Thank you in advance!


    A few insights:

    • If the logs window for gluetun keeps cycling it means that the container is constantly restarting. The container defaults to restart always. This is for privacy and security reasons.
    • If gluetun is either stopped or restarting then the containers that use gluetun for network connection all become unavailable.
    • The usual cause for gluetun constantly restarting is a bad config or bad credentials.
    • If you turn on advanced view (toggle in the upper right corner) when editing gluetun, you can remove the always restart flag from the extra parameters field for troubleshooting. This should be added back once troubleshooting is complete.

    What I noticed just from glancing at your config:

    • VPN_ENDPOINT_PORT - Make sure this is the correct port you need to use with Wireguard
    • Firewall should always be on unless you are troubleshooting something being blocked
    • FIREWALL_INPUT_PORTS - This needs to be a comma separated list of the port numbers you need to access outside the VPN tunnel. No need to specify TCP or UDP.
      • e.g. 8080,6881
    • The same ports in FIREWALL_INPUT_PORTS need to be added to FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORTS. This is due to the way docker networking works.
    • FIREWALL_OUTBOUND_SUBNETS - This need to be your local network IP range in CIDR format
      • e.g.
  19. 44 minutes ago, Kevin McTague said:

    I am having an issue on GluetunVPN with Port Forwarding being recognized on Qbit. I am using PIA with the Toronto Servers (From my understanding PIA’s Canada Servers do forward). I have confirmed that I am able to connect to the internet through the VPN.  My unraid setup is below.  The 8080 tcp is for Qbit to route through the Docker. Qbit’s port in the UI is 52000.


    What am I doing wrong? Any assistance is appreciated.



    docker run




    -e TZ="America/New_York"

    -e HOST_OS="Unraid"

    -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Zion"


    -e 'TZ'='America/New_York'

    -e 'VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER'='private internet access'

    -e 'VPN_TYPE'='openvpn'

    -e 'VPN_INTERFACE'='tun0'


    -e 'VPN_ENDPOINT_IP'=''

    -e 'OPENVPN_PROTOCOL'='udp'



    -e 'OPENVPN_VERSION'='2.5'


    -e 'OPENVPN_FLAGS'=''


    -e 'OPENVPN_AUTH'=''


    -e 'OPENVPN_IPV6'='off'







    -e 'SERVER_REGIONS'='CA Toronto'


    -e 'SERVER_CITIES'=''

    -e 'SERVER_NAMES'=''


    -e 'FIREWALL'='on'




    -e 'FIREWALL_DEBUG'='off'

    -e 'LOG_LEVEL'='info'

    -e 'DOT'='on'

    -e 'DOT_PROVIDERS'='quad9'

    -e 'DOT_PRIVATE_ADDRESS'=',,,,,::1/128,fc00::/7,fe80::/10,::ffff:7f00:1/104,::ffff:a00:0/104,::ffff:a9fe:0/112,::ffff:ac10:0/108,::ffff:c0a8:0/112'

    -e 'DOT_VERBOSITY'='1'



    -e 'DOT_CACHING'='on'

    -e 'DOT_IPV6'='off'

    -e 'BLOCK_MALICIOUS'='on'


    -e 'BLOCK_ADS'='off'

    -e 'UNBLOCK'=''

    -e 'DNS_UPDATE_PERIOD'='24h'

    -e 'DNS_ADDRESS'=''


    -e 'HTTPPROXY'='on'

    -e 'HTTPPROXY_LOG'='off'

    -e 'HTTPPROXY_USER'=''


    -e 'HTTPPROXY_STEALTH'='off'

    -e 'SHADOWSOCKS'='on'

    -e 'SHADOWSOCKS_LOG'='off'

    -e ':8388'='8388'


    -e 'SHADOWSOCKS_CIPHER'='chacha20-ietf-poly1305'


    -e 'HEALTH_TARGET_ADDRESS'='github.com:443'



    -e 'UPDATER_PERIOD'='0'

    -e 'PUBLICIP_FILE'='/gluetun/ip'

    -e 'PUBLICIP_PERIOD'='12h'



    -e 'PUID'='1000'

    -e 'PGID'='1000'

    -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman

    -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8000]'

    -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qdm12/gluetun/master/doc/logo_256.png'

    -p '8888:8888/tcp'

    -p '8080:8080/tcp'

    -p '8000:8000/tcp'

    -v '/mnt/cache_nvme/appdata/gluetun/':'/gluetun':'rw'


    --restart always 'qmcgaw/gluetun'

    I personally do not use port forwarding but the developer has an excellent Wiki. Port forwarding for PIA should be documented here:



    • Thanks 1
  20. 9 hours ago, NAS-newbie said:

    Are any of the SERVER_XXXX parameters mandatory? 

    Sorry, work has been taking up most of my available time lately.


    For Windscribe, the SERVER_XXXX variables are recommended but are not mandatory. If none of the variables are included or if they are all empty then Gluetun will choose a server randomly from ALL of the servers it is aware of.

  21. 2 hours ago, NAS-newbie said:

    Trying to make the Gluetun UnRAID container to work with wireguard on winscribe VPN. The configuration I downloaded from winscribe looks like this:


    PrivateKey = REDACTED
    Address =
    DNS =

    PublicKey = REDACTED
    AllowedIPs =, ::/0
    Endpoint = arn-159-wg.whiskergalaxy.com:65142
    PresharedKey = REDACTED

    and the resulting docker parameters after my configuration looks like this:


    docker run
      -e TZ="Europe/Berlin"
      -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
      -e 'TZ'='CET'
      -e 'VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER'='windscribe'
      -e 'VPN_TYPE'='wireguard'
      -e 'VPN_INTERFACE'='tun0'
      -e 'OPENVPN_PROTOCOL'='udp'
      -e 'OPENVPN_VERSION'='2.5'
      -e 'OPENVPN_VERBOSITY'='1'
      -e 'OPENVPN_PROCESS_USER'='no'
      -e 'OPENVPN_IPV6'='off'
      -e 'SERVER_REGIONS'=''
      -e 'SERVER_COUNTRIES'=''
      -e 'SERVER_CITIES'=''
      -e 'SERVER_NAMES'=''
      -e 'SERVER_HOSTNAMES'=''
      -e 'FIREWALL'='on'
      -e 'FIREWALL_DEBUG'='off'
      -e 'LOG_LEVEL'='info'
      -e 'DOT'='on'
      -e 'DOT_PROVIDERS'='cloudflare'
      -e 'DOT_PRIVATE_ADDRESS'=',,,,,::1/128,fc00::/7,fe80::/10,::ffff:7f00:1/104,::ffff:a00:0/104,::ffff:a9fe:0/112,::ffff:ac10:0/108,::ffff:c0a8:0/112'
      -e 'DOT_VERBOSITY'='1'
      -e 'DOT_CACHING'='on'
      -e 'DOT_IPV6'='off'
      -e 'BLOCK_MALICIOUS'='on'
      -e 'BLOCK_SURVEILLANCE'='off'
      -e 'BLOCK_ADS'='off'
      -e 'UNBLOCK'=''
      -e 'DNS_UPDATE_PERIOD'='24h'
      -e 'DNS_ADDRESS'=''
      -e 'DNS_KEEP_NAMESERVER'='on'
      -e 'HTTPPROXY'='on'
      -e 'HTTPPROXY_LOG'='off'
      -e 'HTTPPROXY_STEALTH'='off'
      -e 'SHADOWSOCKS'='off'
      -e 'SHADOWSOCKS_LOG'='off'
      -e ':8388'=':8388'
      -e 'SHADOWSOCKS_CIPHER'='chacha20-ietf-poly1305'
      -e 'HEALTH_TARGET_ADDRESS'='github.com:443'
      -e 'UPDATER_PERIOD'='0'
      -e 'PUBLICIP_FILE'='/gluetun/ip'
      -e 'PUBLICIP_PERIOD'='12h'
      -e 'PUID'='1000'
      -e 'PGID'='1000'
      -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
      -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8000]'
      -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qdm12/gluetun/master/doc/logo_256.png'
      -p '8888:8888/tcp'
      -p '8000:8000/tcp'
      -v '/mnt/user/appdata/gluetun':'/gluetun':'rw'
      --restart always 'qmcgaw/gluetun'


    I get the following in my logs:

    023-05-30T18:35:28+02:00 WARN [dns over tls] cannot update files: Get "https://www.internic.net/domain/named.root": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
    2023-05-30T18:35:28+02:00 INFO [dns over tls] attempting restart in 40s
    2023-05-30T18:35:39+02:00 INFO [healthcheck] program has been unhealthy for 26s: restarting VPN (see https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun/wiki/Healthcheck)
    2023-05-30T18:35:39+02:00 INFO [vpn] stopping
    2023-05-30T18:35:39+02:00 INFO [vpn] starting


    and the HTTP proxy does does not work on port 8888 as I expected it to. I had expected to put in the endpoint arn-159-wg.whiskergalaxy.com:65142 somewhere but perhaps not needed? What else may be wrong....

    Question before I start digging into the docker run you shared. Are you using docker run commands or are you using the template from CA?

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