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Report Comments posted by optiman

  1. 40 minutes ago, stuoningur said:

    It seems that running the RC2 I'm limited in reads from my array and cache to about 750 Mb/s. Rolling back to 6.9 gets me back to 1 Gb/s. Went back and forth a few times and can constantly reproduce it. No issues with writes though.

    Did you report it as a bug?

  2. my guess is that because this is a full version release from 9x to 10, there are a lot of changes and upgrades to test.  The dot releases 9.x to 9.x were pretty fast.  I remember the old 4x to 5x took a long time too.   The important thing is that it's solid with as few bugs as possible when they do release it.  :)

  3. 23 minutes ago, norbo80 said:

    I'm very new with unRAID and just installed unRAID 6.9.2. After testing period I decide to buy the licence and install unRraid on my productive infrastructure (instead of HyperV). I would like to avoid future upgrade to 6.10. 

    Works the 6.10 R2 version well and stable? May I install it wihout any problems or better stay on 6.9.2?


    Thank You.

     Have you read all the posts in this thread?  There are several issues still being worked on, that's why it's a RC.  Unless you want to test and provide feedback, you may want to stay on the current stable release until 10 stable is released.  On the other hand, several people don't have any issues at all. It may depend on hardware and how you are using Unraid.  Could be risky for a Production server because the team is still sorting out some bugs / known issues.  Of course this is just my opinion

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