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  1. Have you checked to see if a firmware update is available? I had to update the firmware on one of my drives before it would work. Even if there is no update, try flashing the firmware anyway, can't hurt.
  2. It's a mystery of how I ended up with those DNS settings, as I did not change them. I didn't even know about Open DNS until I searched for these. Thanks for confirming they are safe and good option.
  3. I recently noticed that my Unraid server DNS settings have changed, and I didn't change them. Not sure if this is part of the standard Unraid install or upgrade now, or something else. The new DNS servers are: After a search, these are listed as Open DNS and they look to be hosted in San Francisco, Ca. I do have a 3rd DNS server listed,, which is Google and I had set that one a long time ago. 1. Are the Open DNS servers part of the default for Unraid now? 2. Are they safe to use? 3. From a performance perspective, are they the best choice? Thanks!
  4. Upgraded from 6.12.3 to 6.12.6 without issues. I only had one server crash on 6.12.3, where my server froze and I had to hard reboot.
  5. @ConnerVT Thanks for posting that link. I too am looking to add a 2.5 and I was going to try the TRENDnet TEG-25GECTX which has the Realtek 8125 chipset, until I read this thread. Given the IO CREST with intel chip is plug and play with unraid, no brainer. Thanks again!
  6. The nzbToMedia script is no longer running and I have already confirmed I still have the latest version. I have not changed anything. @binhex Has something changed with this docker?
  7. After updating the script and installing the latest version of your docker, the script is now working again, thank you! For referrence, this is what they had me do: do a git pull from within the Docker terminal. Once you are connected via terminal (as the appropriate user) try the following commands to do a git pull (and clean etc) cd /nzbToMedia git reset --hard git pull git clean -i The last step to clean didn't work. I'm waiting for a reply to find out why
  8. thank you sir! I submitted a ticket as suggested.
  9. @binhex Any update on fixing this? I'm still on 4.0.1-1-01, which is working fine.
  10. @binhex Since the last update, my nzbtomedia stuff is broken and I'm getting the below errors from the sabnzbd gui when the script tries to run. I'm going to rollback. Which version should I rollback to? Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nzbToMedia/nzbToSickBeard.py", line 275, in <module> import nzbToMedia File "/nzbToMedia/nzbToMedia.py", line 732, in <module> eol.check() File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 101, in check warn_for_status(version, grace_period) File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 142, in warn_for_status days_left = lifetime(version) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 72, in lifetime time_left = PYTHON_EOL[(major, minor)] - now ~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KeyError: (3, 11) any ideas on what is causing this? I've no issues with this script for years, so something has changed. Thanks! Update: rolled back to 4.0.2-1-02, same errors: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nzbToMedia/nzbToSickBeard.py", line 275, in <module> import nzbToMedia File "/nzbToMedia/nzbToMedia.py", line 732, in <module> eol.check() File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 101, in check warn_for_status(version, grace_period) File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 142, in warn_for_status days_left = lifetime(version) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/nzbToMedia/eol.py", line 72, in lifetime time_left = PYTHON_EOL[(major, minor)] - now ~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KeyError: (3, 11) Going to try 4.0.1-1-01 Update: rolling back to .0.1-1-01 resolved the issue, no more errors. Will stay on this version until fixed
  11. upgraded from 6.11.1 to 6.11.4 without any issues
  12. Mine hasn't done it for about 2 weeks, not sure why and I thinking it will return. I never did get a response to the post
  13. @binhex I'm still seeing these errors. Any ideas? Even though I get the errors, everything seems to still be working.
  14. You most likely already tried these suggestions, but did you run a file check / or reformat your usb drive, or even trying another usb drive? Did you try booting into SAFE mode? If SAFE mode works, grab the diag file. Maybe search through the logs. Did you check to see if asrock has a bios update for your mb? Try turning off all dockers and VM's before upgrading. Did you run the Fix Common and Upgrade assistant checks? This issue comes up from time to time for some people. Let us know what the solution was once you sort it out.
  15. Uninstalled nerdpack and upgraded from 10.6.3 to 6.11.1, no issues.
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