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I Enjoy Creating Videos

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  1. i also tested it on V6.12.0-rc5 and V6.12.0-rc3 as well as V6.12.0 And V6.12.1 still same problem 


    i also discovered that even if you don't add a drive to the array where the missing drive is it will start but the drive will not emulate the content it wont even mount it says unsupported format so this is defiantly a bug.


    Hopefully they will get it fixed soon


  2. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Even after a new config? I believe nothing was done specifically to fix this, but it might have "magically" disappeared the same way it appeared.

    yes it seems to be working fine even after new config' 


    i had talked to a tech person at unraid and they tested it on many servers and only found one that it could be replicated on so they said they would pass it along internally so i figured in rc3 or rc4 it should be fixed and then i tested when rc3 came out and everything seems to be working fine now


    i'm just glad it's fixed :)  

  3. If you want to do it all through the unraid server and a running vm of windows on it here is another way you could go about it to restore back to V6.11.5 from V6.12.0-rc2  

    if you do not have a previous version of unraid then just go to the web site 
    and download the unriad V6.11.5 then open the zip files you should see three folders you don't need those for this prosses but make sure you copy all the files that are named down below


    and then go to your unraid flash drive and open it and create a folder called "previous" and then copy all the files that i listed to the folder then reboot the server then when your back in the GUI click on the tab "tools" then click "update OS" you should now have a button that says "RESTORE" now click that and let it do its thing and then reboot when it asks you to and if all goes well you should now be on V6.11.5 

    hope this helps you or anyone else that needs it :)


  4. 1 hour ago, Octalbush said:

    I can confirm I have this same problem. Any workaround other than going back to 6.11.5 to fix it? I have some zfs pools and I can't go back.

    As far as i know there are no work arounds for this bug, but i have reported it to unraid tech and they where able to reproduce it in one of there servers so it was sent down the line to be fixed hopefully in V6.12.0-rc3 or rc4 we will have to wait and see. 



  5. UPDATE:


    this is what i did to make it happen i upgraded from V6.11.5 to V6.12.0-rc2 and the array started up fine then i stopped the "array" and i went to "Tools" and clicked on "New Config" and set it to preserve "ALL" settings then clicked "Apply" and then i went back to the "Main" page and started the Array and after that i clicked to spin down the array drives and they spin down and then wake back up again when i watch closely i see that the disks get small reads 16.4kb for about one second then it does nothing till about 50 to 55 seconds then it does it again over and over every 50 to 55 seconds i have no i idea why resetting the "new config" would have broke and causing small reads to the disks seems odd to me but i have tried it many times i can re produce it i have also tried running it in "Safe mode" and also in "maintenance mode" 
    and nothing seems to work to stop it from reading i have to down grade unraid back to V6.11.5 and then it stops so then i can upgrade again to V6.12.0-rc2 then it works again as long as i don't run the "New config" other wise it comes back again let me know if anyone tests it and finds the same bug Thank you all for looking at the post


    Have a wonderful day :) 


  6. hi Bonienl,


    Your very welcome i'm glad i could help some by reporting the bug and thank you for testing it and letting me know what you found i really appreciate it 


    if you don't mind looking at my other post i had made another bug report about having a issue with "array disks" and "unassigned device" disks that when i put them to spin down they would spin down then wake backup after 50 to 55 seconds and if i watch the activity something was causing it to read the disks 16.5kbs even when nothing was using the disks i think unraid is pinging the disks maybe smart read checks or something 


    anyways thank you for all your help i appreciate it :) 



  7. i also had the same type of issue when i tried to make a pool of just one disk i named it zzz pool then i had one disk and set it to zfs encryption and it would fail to format the disk' but if i made the same pool zzz and then said 2 disks but then only installed one disk on slot one then it would let me set the setting to "ZFS encryption" and then "stripe" and then "1 group" and then start the array up and it would let me format it then i can stop the array and remove the other slot 2 from the pool zzz that was empty and it will then work fine with just the one drive kinda weird but it worked.


    the only problem is i can't do that in the array disks because they fail to format 


    but on the bright side i was able to make a raidz1 pool with 5 disks and they formatted just fine


    but then later i tried to make a new config to remove some of the array disks and set it to save the layout of cache pools and array disks and it did save it but then when i tried to start the array it blew out the raidz1 5 disk it wanted me to reformat and i could not get it to re input the raidz1 pool so i went back to V6.11.5 until zfs and the bugs get worked out 



    Thanks for your time have a wonderful week :)  



  8. not the cache pools but the array has 4 disks i was trying to format the last to disks 3 and 4 from xfs encryption to ZFS encryption but it would not let me when i try to format it it fails


    are you saying that all 4 disks in the array have to be wiped and then format them to zfs encryption all at once no mixing some xfs and others zfs?



    Thanks for your reply :) 

  9. no i don't use anything like that'


    everything worked fine until i upgraded from V6.11.5 to V6.12.0-rc1 then this issue started i also upgraded to V6.12.0-rc2 and it still has same problem so i guess they changed something in the new version hopeful they will find it and fix it soon.


    Thanks to everyone that is working hard on it i appreciate it' Have a great weekend!



  10. Update i been testing some more and i tuke the "unassigned device" disk and made a 1 disk pool with it and now that it is in the "pool device" area it will now spin down and stay spined down, i also updated to V6.12.0-rc2 and it still does the same thing.


    so i found that any hard disks or ssds that i put in the "pool devices" section they will all spin down and stay spined down.   but any disks that are put in the "Array device" section will spin down then wake backup every 50 to 55 seconds same goes for any disk in the "unassigned device" section as well'


    if i watch the array disks i will see them do a read check on all 4 drives at the same time every 50 to 55 seconds the amount it reads is 16.4kb so i think unraid is doing a smart read or checking them for some reason 


    Thanks :) 

  11. Hi ChatNoir! 

    yes no problem i am running V6.12.0-rc1 


    i was running V6.11.5 and everything worked fine then i upgraded to V6.12.0-rc1 so i could play around with zfs pools so i made a zfs pool out of 5 hard drives and copied some files over to it, but later on i noticed the hard drives where spinning down and then i could hear them spin backup moments after again so after looking in to it a little more that was when i found that the array disks and the unassigned device disk was the ones spinning back up they should not be nothing is connected to the unassigned device disk it is just a disk sitting there and the other array disks should be sitting with no activity as well but something is waking them up when they first wake i see some small reads on all the disks one at a time then they don't show any activity again. i'm wondering if unraid is sending some check disk commend or something that is waking them up again.


    i included the dignostics 


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