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Posts posted by Mogo

  1. 6 hours ago, xaositek said:

    Blast you aren't alone there - I blindly applied the update some time ago and just noticed it was broken - I don't rely on Bookstack every day but confirmed that ls25 did patch it up (thanks for that!)


    No Problem.


    5 hours ago, Ademar said:

    I had an issue like this recently. I just needed to set the "APP_URL" container variable. See if your log says anything about an IP address, that's what tipped me off.


    What did you set yours at?  For example I am currently on the working version for me (v22.06.2-ls25) and the only thing I see related to your comment in the logs is this:
    Docker env var APP_URL is not set, setting it to  This url does not work.  If I go to the proper url for unraid like then that works.  Assuming that is my unraid url, I assume you mean to add the value to the field below?


    The URL for bookstack if using reverse proxy. your.site.here.xyz:

  2. On 5/23/2022 at 1:47 AM, ich777 said:

    I've tested the Container a few days ago and it worked perfectly fine.

    The errors that you see on screen are usually caused by WINE but the container should run fine anyways.


    Have you yet tried to connect to it via direct connection?

    I gave up on it once I found out it wouldn't work with game consoles like Xbox and PS5 etc..  It works via pc only for this game in particular.  I never got it to work.  But thanks for replying back.

  3. Hi, is there specific information on how to get conanexiles working?  I installed the docker with all default settings, I didn't change anything and in the logs it has a bunch of errors.  I don't think I got it to work and don't even know what the next steps would be if it was working.  Thanks.

  4. Hi, I am on unraid 6.9.2.  I recently attached an external ssd drive via usb and it shows up under unassigned devices.  The file system shows as exfat.  I want to change it to xfs.  How do I do that?  


    I could have sworn there was an option before to format the drive and select a file system, however, I can't seem to find it anymore.  

  5. I have an external drive connected via a usb port on the motherboard.  It's currently mounted through the unassigned devices plugin.  For the past few months the reallocated sector count has been increasing daily if not every other day.  The reallocated sector count is just over 600.  I believe the drive will die soon.  My question is, to replace the drive, do I just unmount the drive, turn off the server and connect a new drive in the same usb slot on the motherboard?  Will I have to remap any directories to the new drive that other apps might have in place?  Thanks.

  6. It I press the power button it does shut down the server but then when it starts back up it goes into a parity check when I enable the array.  I did not try if ssh would work on the issue today, however, for the issue on my first post, I could not ssh in.

  7. I got this message today via email notification:
    cron for user xxxxxxx /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null


    Again the server was unresponsive and I had to restart and then it would trigger a parity check.  Is there no way to safely shut down/reboot the server?  I can't reach the server via the gui and the shares do not show up when todays issue happened.

  8. Just trying to understand an issue and how to prevent it from happening again.  A few days ago unraid was not responding, I could not access the server, any shares or applications.  Between 12am and 12pm on that day something must have happened.  The only logs saved in the syslog is what's below and that was reported at 6am.


    /etc/libvirt: 23.7 MiB (24875008 bytes) trimmed on /dev/loop3
    /var/lib/docker: 35.4 GiB (37964091392 bytes) trimmed on /dev/loop2
    /mnt/cache: 283.6 GiB (304536956928 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdd1


    At 12pm or just prior I did a hard power off and then turned the server back on.  Was able to get in but had to endure the parity check.  The only issue I was dealing with at the time was the external cache drive under unassigned devices had almost no space left.  Could that have caused this situation or do those logs I posted mean anything? 

  9. I do not.  Just relying on the 1 parity drive right now.  I will upgrade to two parity drives at some future point.  I know parity is not a proper backup solution.  But other than doubling costs for having a second server (which is too expensive for me), I don't see any other option.

  10. Thanks I'll read through that.  I guess I don't want to waste the 3TB or 4TB drives I have as opposed to upgrading them to 16TB (I feel like it's wasted money).  I don't know what to do with the old drives if they aren't used anymore if I did upgrade them.  I'm not into selling parts.  I still have lots of slots for the Norco. and it is working good for me.  I guess I'm just trying to make sure I have a good upgrade path if something goes wrong with the norco since I only see bad stories about it online.  Just want to be prepared in case.  

  11. I see you recommended the https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/chassis/4U/846/SC846BE2C-R1K23B.  Is there a 36 bay equivalent by supermicro?  Or would it make more sense to add a DAS 5 years from now if needed?  I also have a LSI 9305-24i card that I currently use in the Norco.  I assume the setup is the same with the 24 bay supermicro case you mentioned?  Just that the supermicro case is way better?



    Thanks again for your help.

  12. Currently I have a Norco 4224 4U case using sata drives.  What would be an upgrade?  A supermicro case?  If so what case would people recommend that would work.  I want to be able to install an atx motherboard at the very minimum and install pci cards like a video card or HBA card etc...  Also 24 bay is the minimum but I want to try and find something that will be able to fully use the 30 drive limit that unraid has.  Thanks.

  13. It was on the windows machine when you browse using file explorer to create a folder on the unraid system.  I figured out what the issue was.  For some reason the smb security settings was set to secure (for the usb flash drive) which prevents write access.  I changed it to public and it allows me to create the folder now.  I guess i have to live with that warning beside the usb flash drive saying to change it.

  14. Hi, I'm trying to add a script, however I cannot create the folder in config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts.  I get a "Destination Folder Access Denied" error.  Any ideas on how to fix this?


    Also just a coding question.  I'm trying to write a python script to list directories using pycharm in a docker.   If i run the following commands these are the outputs:

    - "pwd" returns "/home/nobody/PychamProjects/test"

    (above command works)


    - "ls -l ../mnt/cache/appdata" returns "No such file or directory"

    (what should be the correct path?  typing that command in the unraid terminal gives a directory listing)

  15. Got this weird issue today.  Opening the plex webui from Unraid only shows 1 user.  It's missing the main user and all other users.  If you log into the plex app via a browser, all users are shown.  I haven't upgraded the plex app to the latest version yet since I am running the nvidia plugin and I heard it does not have support for the latest drivers for transcoding.


    Any idea how to fix this?  Thanks.


    (fixed the issue... had something to do with the browser... clearing cache reset everything)

  16. Have an issue where all the plex user accounts have been deleted.  The only user accounts that remain are manual ones that were created in Ombi.  Has this happened to anyone else?  Any fix to retrieve or should I just start from scratch and create new accounts in Ombi.

  17. @SpaceInvaderOne  Question about what password is being used from your instructions.  Since there are two rocketchat users (admin database & rocketchat database).  What user are you referring to in the MONGO_URL & MONOGO_OPLOG_URL?  I ask since the passwords can be different between the two rocketchat users created. 


    use admin
    db.createUser({user: "root",pwd: "password",roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin"}]})
    db.createUser({user: "rocketchat",pwd: "password",roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "local" }]})
    use rocketchat
    db.createUser({user: "rocketchat",pwd: "password",roles: [{ role: "dbOwner",db: "rocketchat" }]})


    MONGO_URL                 mongodb://rocketchat:password@yourIP:27017/rocketchat
    ROOT_URL                   https://rocketchat.yourdomain.com

    MONGO_OPLOG_URL     mongodb://rocketchat:password@yourIP:27017/local?authSource=admin

  18. I'm not an expert on bit rot, but correct me if I'm wrong (this is my understanding). 


    - bit rot is real, however, it happens very rarely?

    - zfs I believe is supposed to protect against bit rot, I don't think Unraid supports this

    - I assume that if you have ecc ram in unraid and do a monthly parity check it will mitigate bit rot?

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