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Everything posted by Leverz

  1. The Series are on 4TB in size. According to High-Water this should be fine, or am I mistaken. Tool tip from Unraid. I'm trying to have it so each TVSeries is as a whole on one disc, but the system tries to keep the system balanced. What you are talking about is that TVSeries1 has seasons spread all over the disks. Is High-Water with Top Level not how to do this?
  2. On top of the above problem/mistake, the "Move Now" is not working, when manually triggered or by scheduler. The Cache is full, and I started the mover a number of times over the last 8 hours, when it was not running. It is also scheduled to run hourly.
  3. I have all the shares set to 'High-Water', with 'Only split the top level...' This is storing TV shows, so it is Share -> TVSeriesFolder -> Seasons -> TVFiles. It is my understanding that with this setup, if all series are the same size, alternate TVSeriesFolder. However this has filled up the first disk and now has only really started to fill up the next disk, some files where written, but only about 150GB before the first disk was filled. All other shares have the same settings. I have another disk ready to add, but if this is not working correctly I want to hold off. Is there a problem with my settings that I'm missing?
  4. OK, I use BitDefender, and it seems that their "Online Threat Protection" is at 'fault' here. Once I added an exception, it worked. I thought I had turned everything off before that, but of course, there is no toggle for that element. Thank you for your time, I hope that this helps you troubleshoot in the future, with the unable to use default user/pass.
  5. Yeah, that is the whole log. I'm just checking through my Anti Malware logs to see if there is still something blocking it there.
  6. Yeah, sorry I listed all out just to say that I have tried all options. Yes I do, but I disabled everything, and tried it, still no joy. qbittorrent.log
  7. Yup, copy and paste, typed out in notepad, from website etc, nothing works.
  8. Yes if I type the address in manually (or use the docker shortcut, and then hit enter on address bar).
  9. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='qbittorrent' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '6881:6881/tcp' -p '6881:6881/udp' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/downloads/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/qbittorrent':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/qbittorrent'
  10. Yes, I thought I covered that with the following. Just to clarify, I have removed the directory from within the appdata folder. I have done nothing special. I cannot talk about other users. For example.
  11. I have this at no already, I'm sorry I was tired last when I posed, I thought I had added that I had already set that to no.
  12. Firstly, thanks for getting back to me. I do have a little follow up. I have tried removing the docker, removing the folder and then installing, with the same problem. I have also removed the config file, and restarted, only to have the same problem. Going through the forums here I'm not the only person to encounter this problem, only none list a fix. An example is lexcomman above me who even refers to others he has seen. Is the config file copied elsewhere and being retained through fresh installs? When opening the WebUI via the docker control interface, I get a "This page isn't working" (HTTP ERROR 401). If I click into the address bar and hit return the login page will open. I have already set chrome to allow popups and redirects for the address and port to get this far. (Update, the same problem is being experienced in Firefox, the address must be manually confirmed in the address bar there too.) This may be fixed when I can finally login then.
  13. Small problem, when download completes, Sonarr moves the file(s), and it deletes the file at the download location. Is there someway to stop the deletion, as I did not have this on my last setup, as I move the downloads for other use, I know that this will leave me with two copies.
  14. After installing the docker, Invalid Username and Password (admin/adminadmin). Chrome (with popup enabled), unable to open, unless using incognito or manually hit enter in address bar. Unable to change the port, as it keeps resetting to 8080. I have tried a few things, clearing cache, removing the config file, nothing changes. Any fixes for these?
  15. Fixed. After going through the server logs, then checking the browser and logs of the system managing the server, this all drew a blank. I finally checked the anti-malware security suite (Bit Defender in this case), and it was blocking a few interaction occurring on the browser when starting the docker. Once an exception was added for the server, PushBullet worked without any problems.
  16. Hi, I have been trying to set up PushBullet on Unraid 6.7.2, but I keep getting the message "Starting Services" in the lower info bar, I have left this for over 15 minutes but nothing changes, and refreshing the page nothing has changed. When I change the "Agent Function" to "Enabled", enter an "Access token" and then click apply, there is no activity in the log. Unlike when I make a change to the settings of any docker app, I will see the change being recorded in the log when it has completed. I have tried this after a reboot, but nothing has changed. Searching the forums I see that this was an issue before, and the only fix was to change version, these are all from 2+ years ago, is there a re-occurrence of the problem or am I missing something obvious? Notifications by e-mail are working fine. I would also note that at the top of the screen I have a banner stating "System notifications are disabled. Click here to change notification settings.", this is still present even with the email notifications working. I apologise if this is a duplicate of any recent post that I may of missed. Any help would be appreciated.
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