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Everything posted by Shbeda

  1. BIG Thanks!! Just updated and was wondering what the heck happened. I am sure with time 2.0 will be more common place and we can get that running correctly with everything.
  2. Thanks. I have had Tautulli running for the past 3 years. Will look into what Varken is all about!
  3. This all looks awesome! Is there something I can be running now to begin gathering this data so when it eventually goes live it isn't blank but has prior data?
  4. This info was exactly what I was looking for. I removed the regex as it was still showing the 0 rpm ones as they did not come through as null. I ended up liking this better as you stated, it gives me more control! Next up, tackling the CPU info as I have 48 threads! Thanks for all your hard work on this. I have long dreamed of having all this information at my fingertips and these fill out my new 34" 1440p ultrawide quite nicely!
  5. For the year one I am seeing interval of 6hr. It is grayed out and can not be changed it looks like. Seems like I can change the amount of data points, but then it deletes the "Width of panel" from the top box. When I did this in a test it did seem to fix it though. Can you foresee any adverse effects of me adjusting this?
  6. I got this all set up and it is mostly working. I want to understand a little more about how this is all set up though so I can customize a little for my specific setup. For instance..... Fans: It is showing all fan headers on my MOBO. I Currently do not use Fan 4, Fan A, and Fan B. They are all showing on the dashboard, but show 0 RPM. Is there somewhere I can go do not have them pull data from these unused headers? Array Growth: Set this up yesterday and daily, weekly, monthly were all the same, but the annual is 50gb behind. The daily reset and midnight and has added data for today. Annual is still showing a 50gb difference. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide!
  7. Thing I love most would have to be the community and their willingness to help. I was the first in a group of us who have unraid a try and had to do a ton of research. It was so easy to find everything I was looking for to get started. In 2020 I would love to see multiple pool support. I have several computers and phones using unraid to store my data as network attached storage and some of the data I don't care about as much and wouldn't mind having separated with a single parity drive. I guess more drive support may also be needed for this as well!
  8. Been using unRAID for almost 2 years. I was the first of my group of data hoarding friends to take a leap of faith. I will agree, the community is one of the best parts of the platform. I have not messed with dockers in the past and had a ton of questions, but the community was right there to point me in the right direction. They didn’t just give me the answer, they helped me understand what I was doing! Fast forward and and now we have 6 people all converted their collections of random data hoarding to unRAID! Thanks unRAID and Happy Birthday!!!
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