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Posts posted by Migz93

  1. 3 minutes ago, dorgan said:

    What version of unraid are you running??  I just did a clean install of the plugin and everything is working on 6.9.2

    Sorry, I should've mentioned that initially.

    6.10.0-rc1 so likely just an issue with the latest version of Unraid.

  2. I'm also seeing the same issue with the stats images not loading.

    Trying "vnstati" on the commandline returns:

    vnstati: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    So i assume this is why the images no longer load but a quick google about that error code and I couldn't find a fix unfortunately.

  3. Unfortunately no real findings from this, the only findings were that iGPU caused unraid to crash but as you said not applicable to you unfortunately.

    I just ran without using iGPU, then a couple weeks after upgrading to 6.10-rc1 i put the iGPU back on and had the same crashes again so have removed it and am currently using a spare GPU instead which seems fine.


    Did you get any logs that could've shown what was happening? I had a crash a week or so ago and the logs pointed to the fact that I was using a separate IP for a couple extra Plex containers. Stopped those containers as they were only for testing and it's been fine but was weird as they hadn't caused an issue for the weeks that i was using them.

  4. Had another crash shortly after my last post. Put my GPU back in and then removed all reference/usage of iGPU and I've now been up for 9 days with no crash.


    So for me the issue is related to iGPU with a 9700k on this box.

    Still very strange that my 2nd box which runs an i5 8400 (which seems to use the exact same UHD Graphics 630 iGPU) didn't crash at all on 6.9.x


    Theres not much else I can do now as I don't know exactly what with the iGPU is causing the crashes, unless anyone has any ideas for something to try.

    Thankfully that CPU is powerful enough to run without iGPU so I'll just be doing that for the foreseeable future, any new releases of Unraid I'll try swapping back to the iGPU and see if it behaves.

  5. Latest update, moved all my containers except plex back to the main box early/mid last week and still no crashes.

    Moved plex yesterday and this evening my box has just crashed again, definitely something related to plex & the latest unraid version.


    Could be iGPU related. I've pulled out my GTX GPU for now incase maybe it's conflicting with the iGPU (Which i doubt). If it crashes again which it probably will, next step will be removing any reference/usage of iGPU from plex and unraid and using software transcoding for a bit.


    Weird thing is that I had plex running absolutely fine on my 2nd box which also runs 6.9.1 and uses an iGPU for hardware transcoding.

  6. Interesting catch!

    Current update is that I brought docker engine online Wednesday and then brought a small handful of containers on yesterday (tdarr, tdarr-node, telegraf, bazarr & hddtemp)

    I'm going to get all my containers back up & running minus plex as thats the only one using the iGPU, if still no crashes after a day or two i'll start plex too.


    Should mention I'm using the hotio image for plex, although have been for the longest time with no issue.

  7. Quick update, currently at 5 days 13 hours uptime with no restarts/crashes. I enabled VMs Saturday evening and started up my single VM on that box. Tomorrow/Thurs I'll enable docker but without any containers and go from there.


    I also vaguely remember, when i was on the 6.9 betas i think my issue back then was actually a freeze like some people have reported, I'm sure i remember having to actually hold the power button to kill the whole system and then bring it back but then since 6.9 & 6.9.1 stable I haven't had to do that it's just restarting.

    • Like 1
  8. Just a quick update, with docker engine stopped on my main box I so far haven't had a reboot since, 1 day 22 hours uptime which is the longest it's gone.

    Although will wait till at least a week uptime before re-enabling docker engine, seeing if it starts restarting again and work out what container is doing it. 


    I should also mention there's a mix of people having their server hang and become completely unresponsive until rebooted and people who have their server just restart randomly by itself but excluding the reboot part the server is acting fine. 


    My issue is the latter one, my server is completely "fine" beforehand, randomly reboots and then comes back up "fine" by itself and continues working. It doesn't hang and I don't have to powercycle it for it to come back.

  9. I did indeed get another crash since, I saw there was a new unraid release today so I tried that but still another crash since.

    I went to try safe mode but then found most of my disks don't show because I assume it's not loading the drivers for my LSI card so for now I've reverted to normal boot but with Docker engine turned off.


    Will see how that goes. Will also see if theres a way for me to just load the drivers for my LSI card so i can use safe mode but still access plex on a 2nd box using the files on the crashing one.

    • Like 1
  10. Hmmm, that's interesting. Noticed we both have 1650 variant cards, could be something or could be nothing.


    Although checking now, i don't have the ICH Nvidia Driver plugin, i did have the original LinuxServer one but as i'm not using the GPU at the unraid level i've just removed it.

    Will see how my crashes go, if i get another one I'll try removing the GPU completely and if it crashes again i should have Plex & related tools setup on my 2nd box and i can try safe mode.

  11. Hi All,


    I'm hoping you can help me. I've recently upgraded to Unraid 6.9.0 and since then I've been having regular occurrences of Unraid crashing/restarting. I'm not sure if its actually crashing but I do know it's randomly rebooting.
    As far as I know I've changed nothing between 6.8.3 which was completely stable and 6.9.0 which has had several restarts since.


    My box runs 1 Windows 10 VM with a GPU passed through for rarely used remote gaming and then the usual stack of media related containers:

    • Plexs
    • Lidar
    • Sonarrs
    • Radarrs
    • Bazarr
    • Jackett
    • NZBGet
    • Qbittorrent
    • AMD (automated music downloader)
    • Telegraf
    • HDDTemp
    • Intel-GPU-Tools
    • Unpackerr
    • Tautulli
    • Tdarr
    • Unraid-API


    My installed plugins I've seen are listed in the diagnostic info so I'll save posting those.


    I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary at the time of crashes, I've been fairly hands off Unraid the last few days. Most of these crashes I'm either in bed or just gaming (on my own PC not the VM), Unraid will just be running the same stack of VM/Containers outlined above that it has been doing for a while.


    I thought about rolling back to 6.8.3 so checked the "Update OS" page. I notice it shows 6.9.0-beta29 as my previous OS. I think this is because I used the old Nvidia plugin to revert back to 6.8.3 as I was 100% on 6.8.3 a few days ago. Seeing this though reminded me that I did try a beta version (I assume that beta 29) and had the same issue then as well.

    At the time I tried the following:

    • Memtest for around 12 hours (not long enough I know but see next point)
    • Swapped all RAM between my two Unraid boxes, original box continued to restart even with completely different RAM.
    • Fiddled with XMP (Or the Intel term) I think I found this to cause it to crash less with it off? So it's been left off and from checking the current reported speeds in Unraid I believe it's still of.
    • Bought new PSU, originally had a Corsair 650, changed to Corsair 750.

    I think eventually I gave up and moved back to 6.8.3 and put it down to beta issues but now it's stable I'm having the same problems.


    Since the latest crashes the only thing I've tried was to keep "Enable VMs" off. I'd noticed after one of the crashes that it had been forcibly set to no so thought maybe that was the cause but it's still crashing since.


    I updated to 6.9.0 (Not RC) 02/03/2020 - 15:09:19
    Combing through syslog & my healthcheck notifications these are the times Unraid restarted unexpectedly:
    04/03/2020 - 00:54
    04/03/2020 - 00:26
    03/03/2020 - 23:55
    03/03/2020 - 21:01
    03/03/2020 - 18:41
    03/03/2020 - 18:26
    02/03/2020 - 23:26
    02/03/2020 - 20:31
    02/03/2020 - 18:53


    I've attached syslog files that are outputted to a 2nd Unraid server. As far as I can see they don't show much/anything at the time of restarts.
    There are lots of sshd lines littering the syslog, these are from my 2nd Unraid box checking if SSH is still active as part of my healthchecks. My apologies if it takes a while to sift through the syslog because of them.
    I've also attached the diagnostics.zip file.


    Hardware is:

    • CPU: Intel i7-9700K (No Overclock)
    • RAM: 3x Corsair 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz. CMK16GX4M1D3000C16
    • GPU: GTX 1650 Super. IOMMU group is separated as i pass through this GPU to a Windows 10 VM.
    • LAN:
          1GB Motherboard Lan Port
          1GB USB To Ethernet Adapter (This one https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003EDY97A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
          They are meant to be bonded together but I just noticed that the USB NIC isn't part of it so will fix that soon.
    • PSU: Corsair RM750i
    • Storage:
          LSI SAS 9211-8i 8-port 6Gb/s PCI-E (This one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LSI-SAS-9211-8i-8-port-6Gb-s-PCI-E-Internal-HBA-Both-Brackets-IT-MODE-P20/133048746300)
              2x 14TB WesternDigital HDD
              2x 12TB WesternDigital HDD
              2x 10TB WesternDigital HDD
              2x 8TB WesternDigital HDD
              1x 8TB Seagate HDD
              1TB Sabrent NVME
              16GB Sandisk Cruzer Blade USB for Unraid OS
              No parity configured.

    I've googled for a few hours, found general threads around crashing on older versions mainly related to RAM or PSU which I hope I've ruled both out. I've been eagerly checking the latest threads to see if anyone else is having the same issue with 6.9.0 but it seems it's just me so thought I'd best just raise a thread myself.

    Please let me know if you need any more info & let me know if there's anything you want me to try or if the cause is something really obvious that I've missed. Thank you in advance.

    gdunraid-diagnostics-20210304-1401.zip Syslogs.zip

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

    I have pushed an update with a fix for the "on" tag
    Thanks for pointing it out

    Thanks for working on that so quick, I can confirm that when I open the webpage for each API instance they correctly identify the other server as online/offline.

    Although it seems like the MQTT message that's coming in every 15 or so seconds no longer has the "On" entry, one of my messages:


        "arrayStatus": "Started",
        "arrayProtection": "",
        "moverRunning": false,
        "parityCheckRunning": false,
        "title": "GDUnraid",
        "cpu": "Intel® Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz",
        "memory": "32 GiB DDR4 ",
        "motherboard": "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. TUF Z390M-PRO GAMING, Version Rev X.0x",
        "diskSpace": "94.3 TB used of 96 TB (98.2 %)",
        "cacheSpace": "602 GB used of 1 TB (58.8 %)",
        "arrayUsedSpace": "94.3 TB",
        "arrayTotalSpace": "96 TB",
        "arrayFreeSpace": "1.7000000000000028 TB",
        "cacheUsedSpace": "602 GB",
        "cacheTotalSpace": "1 TB",
        "cacheFreeSpace": "422 GB"

    Is that expected?


    Edit: It seems like it's only including "on" in the JSON if it changes state to "false".

    Rebooted one of my servers, saw the API change to show the server as off, checked the MQTT message and it included it setting to false. Server came back online, API changed to show the server as on but checking the MQTT message it didn't include "on".

  13. 10 minutes ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

    Hey, it looks like you are doing the right thing - there may be an issue with the on check let me look into it - is it just the on check that is incorrectly reported? 

    As far as I can tell it only seems like the on check is incorrect. Its pulling down the other stats like name/array status/dockers correctly

  14. How does the "On" check work?


    I currently have two Unraid boxes, as the 2nd one has some containers that rely on the first one being up, when I reboot the first one I have to make sure I stop the specific containers on the 2nd one also. Saw this API tool and thought awesome I can just get something configured in HA/Node-Red to automatically stop the containers when I need to but the "On" monitoring seems to be a bit iffy.

    Originally I had an instance of the API on each box but only configured to point at the box it was hosted on, that obviously didn't capture "On: false" whenever I rebooted the host because obviously the container is stopped as part of the reboot. I then setup both boxes on both of them, so if either one goes down the other one can see it. Except 99% of the time, each boxes monitor for the OTHER box says "On: false" when it's infact up. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe it's something extra I need to configure for the "On" check to work?



  15. @Mister Pipps I was having the same error. Not sure if it's the same cause for you but It turns out discord has a character limits on the webhook. Seems to be around 2000 characters on each "description" field. 

    In the last week I've had maybe 49 new shows/episodes which blew passed the limit on the TV show description field. Movies come in much slower so that was nowhere near the limit.


    To fix it i did the following:

    Under "Shows" I added "Define End Position > After [x] characters > 2000" to keep it at the limit and then also a "Define End Position > Crop last [x] lines > 1" to remove the last line which will most likely be cut early by the character limit.

    It does mean that you can miss some items out if it's a heavy week, it took my shows in the webhook from 49 down to 39, I can probably live with that but if not i do see a "Define Start Poistion > After [x] lines" which could be used to capture anything after the first 2000 and send them in another webhook.


    I also had an issue with the parsing in the guide for either "Movies Title" or "Shows Title" or even both, i can't remember now. What i had to do was a slight amendment to the first option of each, change from "Define End Position" to "Define Start Position":



      - Movies Title:
         - Add text filter -> Set Start & End Position -> Define Start Position -> Text match: before -> Recently Added Movies
      - Shows Title:
         - Add text filter -> Set Start & End Position -> Define Start Position -> Text match: before -> Recently Added TV Shows



    Thought i'd update this with my fixes in case someone else comes along and wants to set this up.

  16. On 3/27/2020 at 8:22 AM, ICDeadPpl said:

    I have an Asus RT-AX88U, and would also like to know how to setup the router for PXE booting.

    A lot of typical home grade routers don't let you set options 66 & 67 which are required for PXE booting.

    Googling your router make/model i came across this



    The fifth post he details how to SSH in and set the two options, not sure if still relevant but worth a go.

  17. Just wanted to add my thanks for this image. What a powerful little addition. One thing that wasn't entirely clear when using Unifi USG was using netboot.xyz.efi instead of netboot.xyz.kpxe if you want a UEFI pxe boot, the efi image is mentioned further down but specifying the option to use it under the USG section would've saved me a bit of time googling how to get a UEFI pxe boot (once i found the USG section i didn't think to look further down).


    Having all the various linux OS and a myriad of tools is great, i have a few missing because I'm running UEFI but i can live without (Although not sure why netbooyxyz doesn't include memtest, googling seems to say that memtest can be booted through UEFI too). I installed MDT on one of my Windows Servers, configured that and then modified the windows menu in netbootxyz to automatically load the WIM file generated by MDT, so now as well as the built in boot options i can load into MDT and deploy any of my Windows OS' too. This will seriously save me some time with future rebuilds and deployments. Thank you!

    • Like 1
  18. 38 minutes ago, TechD87 said:

    Good morning!


    Is there a list available to show what Nvdia Drivers are associated to each of the Unraid builds? 


    I have an older Nvidia GTX 580 and it isn't supported on 6.7.2 so I may have to roll back. I just don't know how far.



    If you have the plugin installed you can see what version of drivers would install with what version of unraid, without actually having to go ahead and install it.

    Although to answer your question anyway it seems like the versions are:

    6.6.7 & 6.7  -  v418.56

    6.7.1 & 6.7.2 - v430.14

    All versions above (including RC) - v430.50


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