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  1. According to Google, this one is related to usb attached DVR which is failing because of a missing lib. https://forums.plex.tv/t/ubuntu-16-04-docker-critical-libusb_init-failed/185116 But it shouldn't cause the issue you face.
  2. Then I don't know. Is it Plex logs, Plex container logs or Unraid logs that you posted ?
  3. This line shows that Plex complains about Jumbo Frames being enabled on your network (router). Did you enable this option or tried to change default MTU size (1500), on your router or Unraid ? If yes, maybe you should reverse this change...
  4. Hi, These 2 messages are related to Plex daemon failing partially to fetch your router doing UPNP port mapping for incoming traffic, which leads to relayed incoming connections instead of direct. I don't know what could cause this from Unraid 6.11 or whatever else, but as a workaround can you try to configure a manual port mapping for the incoming traffic in your router, and configure the reflecting configuration as manual mode in Plex, and verify if at least it behaves correctly ?
  5. Thanks also from my side. It continues to work perfectly, even using 6.10.x release train.
  6. Salut la communauté francophone, En tant qu'utilisateur de Mac et donc de Safari, je voulais relayer l'information qu'une solution existe pour le cas ou comme moi, vous ne pouvez plus accéder au terminal depuis l'interface web d'Unraid. Il suffit de suivre ce workaround proposé par @SuperSVGA dans ce post : Menu "Développement" (à activer dans "Safari" > "Préférences" > "Avancées") > "Fonctionnalités Expérimentales" > décocher "WebGL 2.0"
  7. A quick word to thank you @SuperSVGA ! I was annoyed by this issue since more than a month now... Worth to note that this issue appeared also on 6.9.2, and your fix worked like a charm for it !
  8. Salut, de mon coté, la dernière fois que j'ai eu ce genre de problème, juste après une mise à jour, c'est ma clé USB qui était corrompue, et qu'il a fallu remplacer.... Donc je ne peux qu'abonder le post de PicPoc ci-dessus.
  9. Hi, This is the case for my configuration at least. i5 9600K with UHD630 De nada 🙂
  10. Hi there, No need to login from Unraid itself but from inside Plex server only. Here is the solution which worked for me in this situation:
  11. Hi there, From Plex forum, this issue seems to be taken in account since a week and a few plexpass releases: "(Transcoder) GPU HDR tone mapping could unexpectedly fail on some newer Intel processors (#12534)" https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-media-server/30447/423 Now just need to update to the last plexpass release by updating your docker container using plexpass as the version option like in the following screenshot: Or you can wait a bit longer the ubdate to be available in the non beta channel. At least it's working for my Intel i5-9600k, using Unraid 6.9.2. Hope this helps.
  12. Hi There, I face this issue as well since Plex I tried reinstalling Intel Compute Runtime (ICR) manually in the container, but no luck, still failing... So I came back to the scripted solution I proposed about four months ago which will compile and install the old Intel Beignet driver : Same advice as before, it takes a few long minutes to install, but it works !!! An you need to reinstall it each time Plex container is updated and this issue still remains...
  13. I can transcode in hardware 5 4K HDR streams concurrently on my i5-9600k with embedded UHD630, as I mentioned a few weeks ago:
  14. Hello, It seems LSIO updated its Plex container which now includes up-to-date intel drivers, working with the last Plex version with HW transcoding and HDR tone mapping support. If you previously used my 1st script, you can remove it and update Plex container, if you used the one which requires to create an intermediate image, just edit the container configuration, and remove ":opencl" at the end of "Repository" keeping only "linuxserver/plex", then click on apply. It should download properly everything again and put you back in the original track. This may leave you with 2 orphan images visible in the docker tab, which can be removed from the advanced view.
  15. Hi @linuxserver.io, It seems there is an issue regarding the support of 3 last gens of intel CPUs while using this Plex App with HW HDR to SDR tone mapping. It seems one of your devs created a working solution, creating the OpenCL branch in this container GitHub here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex/tree/opencl Shall I ask you if there is any plan to provide this solution in the main tree, so we can all benefit of it without hack/trick ?
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