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Posts posted by page3

  1. After upgrading to 6.12 I also started getting these issues, plus the gui becoming unavailable. Then the server crashing - first time in 9 years. 

    Switched to ipvlan which made the server less responsive and started causing network issues.


    Tried moving dockers to a second network card, but issues persisted. 

    Rolled back to 6.11.5 and all is good again. I’ll wait a while before thinking of upgrading again. 

  2. Great to see a replacement for the old docker version, thanks.


    Weird issue though. Since the recent update if I view using safari (iPad) the interface doesn’t render. The url bar flickers continuously. Seems to work fine on other devices, and the previous version worked fine on the iPad. Any ideas?

  3. On 10/8/2021 at 12:32 PM, Josh.5 said:

    I cannot be more clear to you that this is a PICNIC. You need to modify your template to remove the /library/tv and /library/movies directories. This has absolutely nothing to do with Unmanic nor the template being an issue, only your configuration of the Unraid template. Look very carefully at my screenshots of the template below and do that!






    Hi Josh. I do appreciate you taking the time, however unfortunately this isn’t the issue. No matter how many times I correct my configuration and remove the unwanted folders, they come back at next restart. I know it’s basic stuff, I know it should work. It just isn’t though.


    Oh well. It’s working great as configured. It’s clearly nothing to do with your App or template.

  4. On 9/29/2021 at 10:42 AM, page3 said:



    Both folders came back again. This time I blanked the content as you suggest followed by save and then I removed them, rather than just 'remove' from the template page. I've also check the config in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user and they do appear to be gone, so we'll see if they stay gone.



    Both 'tv' and 'movies' have come back yet again!

    This time instead of deleting them I've mapped both to the same folder that I actually want.


    I only want 'Library' and have no idea where "Movies' and 'TV' keep coming from, no matter how many times I delete them.



  5. 15 hours ago, Josh.5 said:

    The lower-case 'tv' and 'movies' directories are created by the docker template. It has nothing to do with Unmanic itself. Unmanic has no code that is specific to "Movies" or "TVShows" - it is a library optimiser and is completely agnostic of what type of file library you have.

    So the only way this is possibly happening is because your template is not correct or another container is creating these folders.

    Take note of the docker create/run command that is executed when you apply the template:



    Make sure your template has the mount removed in the "Container Path:" section - not just the description...







    Both folders came back again. This time I blanked the content as you suggest followed by save and then I removed them, rather than just 'remove' from the template page. I've also check the config in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user and they do appear to be gone, so we'll see if they stay gone.



  6. 8 hours ago, Josh.5 said:

    Can you show me your docker template config?

    I currently have this, which is working great.




    Whenever the docker updates it appears to add two further library paths - one for tv and one for movies. Neither of which I need so I just delete them. They do seem to keep coming back though.


    I could be missing something obvious!


  7. Earlier versions had a mapping to library within the docker template.


    Recent versions seem to have added a tv and movies mapping, which I need to keep deleting as they keep coming back. By default they map to places I don’t have (or want) which keeps creating them on my drive.


    Is this a bug or an intended feature?

  8. Great app which I’m finding really useful. I even managed to follow the video and migrate without issue.


    However (why is there always a however!) I’m not finding the “support future development “ at all intuitive. It just takes me to something called “patreon” but doesn’t explain what I’m supposed to do there, how I contribute or what financial options are available. Perhaps some explanation or a simple cookie jar for simpletons like me would work?

  9. Hi all,


    I have syncthing installed and working, but do have a couple of "best practice" questions. Not specifically Linuxserver related, but definitely Unraid related!


    I am syncing a large photo directory between Mac and Unraid.


    Does anyone have any suggested (recommended) settings for:


    1. Full rescan interval

    2. Watch for changes


    I assume (2) should be on for both Mac and Unraid.

    I presume setting (1) to something bigger like 24 hours would be suitable for Unraid so as not to keep spinning up drives.


    I've searched but not found anything specifically Unraid related.

  10. On 11/6/2020 at 5:00 PM, ljm42 said:

    WireGuard fails silently. If there is no handshake then all you know is that the client isn't communicating with the server, you can't tell specifically what the problem is. You need to think through all the things that could be preventing the client from talking to the server. The second post in this thread has a list of things to check:


    If none of the ideas above help, this could be the issue.


    Rather than put the UniFi in the DMZ, I would put the ISP's device in Bridge Mode. This completely disables the router functionality and truly makes it just a modem. 

    Thanks for the suggestions. I went through the list but still no dice I'm afraid.

    Unfortunately I really don't want to use bridge mode. It has caused problems with the UniFi USG router in the past and since segregating internet connection and routing the set-up has been working flawlessly. Additionally my modem/router has to hold open a VPN to tunnel through CGNAT and provide a fixed IP address. Here in the UK our fixed internet is so poor I finally gave up and now use 4G exclusively, crazy as I'm only 25 miles outside the M25.

    Look like I need to have yet another go, starting from scratch. It really should work.

    • Like 1
  11. On 10/20/2020 at 2:55 AM, Dataone said:

    Might be easier to determine what's wrong if you post a censored config file

    Same problem, but iOS client. The handshake just keeps on retrying. I have a UniFi USG with port forwarded as suggested in the blog. I do however have an upstream router (used as modem only) with its DMZ set to the UniFi USG.


    Any help appreciated :)


    Local server configuration


    #Unraid VPN




    PostUp=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 started'

    PostUp=iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o br0 -j MASQUERADE

    PostDown=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 stopped'

    PostDown=iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o br0 -j MASQUERADE






    Remote peer configuration







    #Unraid VPN




  12. On 8/26/2020 at 12:06 AM, henryw3 said:

    Hey @sonic6, I'm the dev of speedtest-tracker. I don't run mine on my unraid server, but haven't had anyone else create an issue or anything with this bug. You don't have any logs or anything I could look at to figure out why it was playing up do you?

    Can I just say “thank you” for such a useful application.  I’ve been having terrible problems with my home broadband (aka it’s been down 5 weeks!) and is flaky when it worked. I’ve therefore been trying a 4G router (and vpn to get around CGNAT) and your app has been crucial in determining if this was a valid solution. 

    BTW as a Zend Framework/PHP/JavaScript/JQuery developer I’m intrigued by Laravel/React so your app looks an interesting one to peek at :)

  13. Hi all. This plug has been working great for years, but I see today the results have all vanished and when I try to run a test I get an error. Screen-shots attached.


    I have tried removing and re-installing the plugin.


    Anyone know what this might be?


    Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 15.38.24.jpg

    Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 15.38.15.jpg

  14. 6 hours ago, trott said:

    as I remember, telegraf itself has apcupsd input, you don't need another docker for it

    I did see this, but assumed it wasn't implemented fully as I couldn't see any way to determine if it was passing data and if so in to what variable. I'll research more as this might be the answer - thanks.

    I also found a plug-in for telegraf that calls a python script but unfortunately that didn't work as python is not included with the docker.

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