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Everything posted by emuhack

  1. I did nothing to the FW, just put it right into my case and added the cooler and booted... I did have some trouble at first with booting unraid, but that was because I have a few old hardrives that had windows still on them... lol Once i set the boot too only usb it boots fine. I am passing through my GPU to a VM and it works, this took me about 3hr to find a fix. You have to get the correct BIOS for your card and load it in your VM. I got the correct bios from here: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/ and i had to edit it with a hex editor like in this video: That above is the article which i used methods from both videos in that article. I did have to use GPU-Z to figure out what bios version my card had and make sure i downloaded the correct bios version file. Then in my VM i have it set this way: Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions.
  2. I have... :: Build :: AMD Ryzen 3900x (12c/24t) H100i Pro Liquid AM4 Cooler 16gb DDR-4 GTX 1050Ti I currently have for disks -- 4 256gb SSD for my VM-Docker Storage, when my HBA comes in I will add another 256gb for parity of that array 2 8tb drives, it will go down to 1 8tb (the other will become parity) when i add the other 8 - 2tb drives from my previous server when im done copying over the data When $$ allows I may use the 2 - M2 slots with 1tb NVME for cache drives... 1 Windows 10 VM with 2c/4t -- Just a daily driver and general access VM 1 Windows 10 Gaming VM with 4c/8t for gaming with the 1050ti passed through. It took me a bit to get it working but i have used it to use Nvidia Game Stream to my laptop and had the kids play fortnite on it, they said there was some input lag (but what does a 14yr old know.... LOL) My current Docker's - Krusader (amazing file management app) - Plex - RuTorrent - Tautulli - Unifi-Controller I use the CPU Pinning for the Dockers and VM's - I have only 1c/2t on my dockers and I will be doubling that on next reboot.
  3. Hey Guys... Super easy install thanks for that and all your guys hard work... I wanted to give the rutorrent a custom ip address i went through the setup and changed network mode to bridge and it works fine, gives me an ip out of my range in my network though... see below images When I change the network to custom br:0 and give it an ip like it does not load the GUI and does not work? any thoughts?
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