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Report Comments posted by rodan5150

  1. 6 hours ago, ryanhaver said:


    I went this route and even created user defined bridge networks on a completely different NIC and still had the same issues. I suspect you'll see the issue resurface in a week or so, as this is exactly what happened to me. I have not tested using VLANs, but moved any containers needing their own IPs off of Unraid and haven't had issues for months.


    I'm worried about this, but I'm trying to stay hopeful the second NIC will be the band-aid for me for now. Uptime is almost 14 days, and no issues to speak of thus far, knock on wood...



  2. Going the vlan route did not work for me. I ended up having a call trace and subsequent kernel panic after a number of days. So far, creating a second interface (br2 in my case) with the unused onboard NIC seems to be the "fix" for me at this point.


    I don't want to muddy the waters anymore than they have to be, but since it could be something external of Unraid on the network (multicast, who knows...) that Unraid is choking on and causing the issue, perhaps it is beneficial to also mention a brief summary of the network gear used? Maybe a common denominator will surface that can be a hypothesis generation device. Perhaps wireshark could be utilized to help troubleshoot as well? Just throwing up ideas at this point.


    For reference, my offending Unraid system:

    Ryzen system, 3600. B450 chipset.

    br0 is Intel X520-T2 10Gbe adapter via DAC to Mikrotik CRS305-1G-4S+IN 10Gbe, uplink to "core" Unifi switch.


    br2 is Intel I211-AT copper to "core" 1Gbe Unifi switch.

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