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Posts posted by capnJiP

  1. In Nextcloud, I'm trying to run an occ command in the docker's terminal. This is something I've done before, back when updates were manual, but I went just went in and I cannot find the occ executable. It's supposed to be in /config/www/nextcloud/ , but that directory doesn't have it anymore. I did a "find" in the terminal and found 3 instances of occ, but they don't seem to be in a Nextcloud related location:  ./usr/bin/occ, ./app/www/src/occ, & ./app/www/public/occ.


    For those curious, I interrupted what I thought was a stalled update stuck in maintenance mode. Now I'm getting a notice in the "admin settings> security and setup warnings" section that I have "2282 errors in the logs since 15Dec." When I try to look at "Admin settings>logging" I get nothing. Blank screen. I would like to run a "php occ maintenance:repair" to see if I can get my logs back and see what the thing is complaining about.


    Thoughts anyone? Also, where are the logs kept? I've traversed the appdata folder and can't find anything that shows any errors. In appdata/nextcloud/log/php there is an error.log, but that has 20 notices and 3 warnings, then there is the appdata/nextcloud/log/nginx/access file, but that doesn't have any errors. I don't know where to go from here.

  2. Hello all, I am upgrading to the 0.12 release, but i cannot increase the size of my SHM share. I've attempted to add a variable "shm-share"="1G" but there appears to be an override a the bottom "--shm-size=256mb". What am i doing wrong here? Also, shouldn't this be a variable in the default template anyways?1807565314_SHMoverride.PNG.1afb519d3fa5c29b756870398c176885.PNG

  3. Hi everyone,


    I just walked through this and I thought I would consolidate the notes here: Here is the TLDR to fix the OpenOffice issue.


    1) Edit the OnlyOffice Docker to add a Variable:



    The "value" is the password you choose. Just hammer the keyboard, it'll be fine, but copy it out, you'll need to paste it into Next Cloud later on.


    2) Once the docker has been re-created, click on the logs and wait until the ds:converter has started. It will take a while.



    3) Now open up nextcloud and traverse to the OnlyOffice Settings page. Here you will see the Secret Key field underneath your OnlyOffice Server URL. Paste in the key you created in step 1 and hit save and you should be back in business.



    • Thanks 2
  4. So, I figured it out: Corporate IT was blocking my "DynamicDNS host" as suspicious. No more problems.


    BUT, I learned a lot about docker-compose and thought I would add to a previous post as a more up-to-date guide to rjlan's guide to updating jitsi, plus a guide this simplified is something I sorely needed starting out:


    I: Every time unraid reboots, you will need to re-install docker-compose, here's how to do the latest rev:

         Find latest build at github: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/

    1. scroll to your relevant hardware (for me it's linux x86_64)
    2. right click > copy link for "linux x86_64"
    3. open unraid terminal window
    4. modify the following code to have your copied link, usually easiest to make changes in a separate text editor then copy/paste into command line:
    curl -L “PasteYourLinkHere" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


    II: Back-up previous env.example and docker-compose.yml. this is just in case things go sideways and you need to refer back to something.

         In the unraid terminal:

    cd /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/github/
    cp ./docker-jitsi-meet-stable-7648/env.example ./env.example.bkup
    cp ./docker-jitsi-meet-stable-7648/docker-compose.yml ./docker-compose.yml.bkup

    (note, your "docker-jitsi-meet-XXXX" will likely be different, tab is your friend in the command line)


    IIa: remove old docker

    sudo docker stop video.meet.jitsi focus.meet.jitsi xmpp.meet.jitsi meet.jitsi
    sudo docker rm video.meet.jitsi focus.meet.jitsi xmpp.meet.jitsi meet.jitsi
    sudo rm -r /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/jitsi-meet-cfg/
    mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/jitsi-meet-cfg/{web,web/crontabs,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}


    III: Now we get the jitsi docker:

    1. Similar to docker compose, we need to find the latest build from github. Under the "Assets" section, right click and copy link for the "Source Code (tar.gz)"
    2. Modify the following command to paste in your link from above:
      sudo wget https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet/archive/refs/tags/stable-7287.tar.gz && tar -zxvf stable-7287.tar.gz && cd docker-jitsi-meet-stable-7287

      Please note the context here. There are 3 functions happening in one command: we are "getting" the source code at the link address && we are decompressing the tar.gz file && changing directory to the freshly decompressed directory. All 3 of these functions need to be updated to the appropriate version number or syntax to match the github link.


    IV: Modification of Files - Simplify this deployment and don't fuss in portainer!

    1. Since the video was released, the env.example file has been simplified, so follow the video, but understand that some options are moved elsewhere. Don't worry about it.
      nano ./env.example
      1. update CONFIG= directory (note, leave off trailing "/", it becomes redundant with this version of the .yml file)
      2. Timezone
      3. Public URL
      4. Docker_Host_address
      5. Enable auth=1      (recommended)
      6. Enable_guest=1     (recommended)
      7. Auth_type=internal       (recommended)
      8. ctl+x to exit, "y" to save
      9. copy env.example to .env
        cp env.example .env


    2. Modify the docker-compose.yml to tidy things up and make life much easier
      nano ./docker-compose.yml
      1. Under each section add line at top: container_name: (web=meet.jitsi prosody=xmpp.meet.jitsi  jicofo=focus.meet.jitsi, jvb=video.meet.jitsi) See attached photo below #11519726542_StepIV-2-1.PNG.c0cad721429bc66c478eda1f3d320e0f.PNG

      2. Under "network" at bottom, add: name: external: See attached photo below #2

      3. 1949385062_Jitsinetwork.PNG.e5593888894e88acf79953e5e825b8ba.PNG

    3. Create passwords:

    4. DEPLOY!

      docker-compose pull
      docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
      docker image prune
    5. Set up Authentication again (stored in xmpp.meet.jitsi somewhere, so it gets overwritten)

      1.  Open a terminal to the xmpp.meet.jitsi container:

        prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua register username meet.jitsi password

        overwrite "username" and "password" with relevant information


    Unfortunately unraid will still show an update available, as the docker isn't "controlled" by unraid's Community Applications.

    Step IV-2-2.PNG

  5. Hi Everyone, I had a Jitsi server running for almost a year and suddenly this error happened. I've tried nuking the container and rebuild, but didn't work. I can get to Jitsi via <unraid local ip>:8000 but my duckdns.org just puts me back to this error. I don't think it's a reverse proxy issue as the web page header is correct, and that particular screen is unfamiliar compared to the nginx errors I've seen with other reverse proxy failures. Did a Jitsi update push some other sort of new authentication parameters? Does the reverse proxy conf file need new info that wasn't in the old one? I'm at a total loss.


    Also, I understand that the docker isn't "controlled" by Unraid, but should i expect the proxynet ip address to be visible here? This could be a docker-network dns issue if the IPs are supposed to be posted here...?

    jitsi failure.PNG

    jitsi ports.PNG

    unraid dockers.PNG

  6. Hi Everyone, The build associated with this docker app is getting long in the tooth. Is there any way to update? IF the process to update isn't just "push update button", please speak slowly. I'm not too bright.

  7. My instance of vaultwarden is functioning properly from the user POV. I can log into the admin page, but none of the subject headers open up. I can't adjust any of my admin parameters. I can click on "general settings" (or any of the others) all day long, but it doesn't open the drop down. I can click along the top row to move to the different pages (Settings, Users, Orgs, Diags, Vault) and all of the other pages appear normal, it's JUST the settings page. I don't even know where to start with this oddity. Any advice?

  8. Hi Everyone, 


    I have a suggestion/need and I lack skills to make a docker container. I will forge ahead on my own to see if I can get something to work, but I would like to leave a suggestion to a larger group of people who can probably do this much faster than I as well as release the product to the broader unRaid community. 


    Remotely: it's a remote desktop server/client utility similar to Logmein and team viewer. 




    This post is both an attempt to plant a seed for someone else to grow this docker, and/or a request for the best forum for me to post this request into. 


    Thank you. Again, i will attempt to build this for myself, but I give it about a 20% chance of success.

  9. Hi everyone. New to beets and have a peculiar issue. I have no (functional) webUI GUI. the command line works fine, and that's how I've been importing my library, but the files and folders have messed up user restrictions which i then have to correct later. Again, functional, but I see pictures of others using a GUI to set permissions and stuff and think that would be really swell to have for myself.


    I can't seem to paste an image of the GUI i see, but it's the black bar across the top that says beets and a grey "play" trianlge, then a grey bar along the left side and at the top "Query". The query field works! but the main block of the page is just white. Nothing in it.


    Can anyone shed any light on correcting my situation?

    Thanks for any input,


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