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Everything posted by Entxawp

  1. Thank you very much for the instructions, I will try it this way.
  2. I want to move Disk 4 to a different position in the array, so that the two precleared drives can take the position of Disk 4 and 5 and then the 4TB drive that now is Disk 4 will become disk 6 or 7. Is there a easy way to change the position of a drive in the array without having to run the entire array through a Parity-Check?
  3. I'm having some trouble getting Feed the Beast running on this container. https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/minecraftbasicserver/ I copied over the server executable but I end up with a vanilla server and not the modded one. I know I have to do something with the forge file but i don't know what. Hope someone can help.
  4. I love build in docker and would love for multiple arrays or/and more storage capacity in terms of maximum amount of drives
  5. Hi unraiders I have a problem with one of my drives. I pulled it out unexpectedly and now after rebooting it is still disabled, is there a way to re-enable the drive without rebuilding it? Many thanks, Ent
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