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About housewrecker

  • Birthday February 26


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  1. Okay. How do I set static IPs for Dockers but also make port changes? Or is that not possible?
  2. A little background, my goal is to set my dockers to static IP addresses so I can map them to a host file instead of using my Unraid server IP and a port. I switched the network type from bridge to Custom: br0. I set the IP of the containers to an unused IP on my LAN. The IP address updates correctly, but I can't set the port of the docker anymore. Is that expected or am I doing something wrong? The port always uses the default port of the application. I've tried with Tautulli, MakeMKV, and Handbrake all having the same problem. I have the port of Tautulli set to 2345 but docker is showing 8181.
  3. I did that. The shares disappeared. I rebooted and they came back. I re-downloaded the containers since they were gone. I needed to change some of the network settings, maybe because of the macvlan change. But I think everything is back up. The bigger question is if the two fixes will help resolve the locking up issue. Thanks for the help with everything. @JorgeB @dlandon
  4. Go file is cleaned up. Macvlan has changed to ipvlan in docker. Then I rebooted. Just stuck on the cache issue now. Below is what I see in docker.
  5. Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... Phase 2 - using internal log - zero log... ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this. This is what I got as a response. I'm not sure how to get the file system to replay the log.
  6. I haven't done the /dev/dri work in a bit. I think it was for the Intel GPU for Plex. Will removing that file affect that? Which one is the go file?
  7. Okay, will do. Thanks. Do you think someone or thing is trying to get into my server?
  8. Here it is. blue-diagnostics-20231123-1345.zip
  9. When I do ls -la the cache shows "?". Also in the docker settings, I'm getting errors that appdata and cache folder can't be found anymore.
  10. Sounds good. Thank you. Do you know why the cache is showing ? and how to fix that?
  11. And now I have no docker or cache folder. Appdata can't be found either.
  12. Here is the syslog file. I zipped it up because unraid forums was rejecting the uncompressed file with a -200 error. syslog.zip
  13. Okay, trying that now. I'll post when it crashes.
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