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Everything posted by phyzical

  1. Hey @testdasi, * So i tried switching to legacy boot via bios, no change * the only thing i could see in regards to gpu "switching" was choosing the primary pcie which seemed to have no effect on unraid unfortunately * now the fun one.. so i tried switching the gpus around (gtx 770 in slot 1 and gtx 560 in slot 2), this moved the unraid boot over to the gtx 770, i tried launching a windows vm this time on the gtx 560. i got picture (to be expected as its no longer primary) proceeded to dump the vbios same as every other time i could unbind could not not rebind (i wonder if this is a symptom at all? had the same issue with the gt 620). When i tried to test a boot on the windows vm with this bios i got nothing, so i rebooted and confirmed the windows vm rebooted with the bvios rom i dumped. I then proceeded to switch the cards back to the original order (gtx 770 in slot 2 and gtx 550 in slot 1) but unfortunately i got the same issue... * To confirm if i switch the slots i shouldn't have to re dump the bios? its just in the space invader video there was mention of (be sure to make sure the video location has not changed which ofc it does if i have switch the gfx card back) i did have one weird thing happen though the first time i launched it up after switching back to the original order i had the boot screen on the 770 still even though it was in slot 2, so after it didnt work i had a thought maybe i could replicate this to re dump the bios (but ofc if switching the slots doesn't affect the bios then this is a moot point). i also could not replicate this again anyways (tried relaunching with cords only in 770, also tried a boot with only 770 shutdown then boot again with both cards) * one other thing i could replicate (not that i think it indicates anything) was that if i launched a vm with the primary card and then proceeded to unbind the call would never return, as in it just hung indefinably (this is got my hopes up as maybe i had been doing it all wrong) but unfortunately it did not seem to make a difference in the long run Is it possible i just have some hardware that refuses to play ball? Or to Anyone else is lurking have you happened to have run into a similar issue? Thanks again!!
  2. Thanks again, So i found an gtx 560 SE and switched that out for the gt 620. did another bios dump, i did have a weird issue where the terminal would lockup on unbind while dumping the bios.. (no known weird issues with this new card is there maybe?). buut same thing no output on vm spinup with the 560 as passthrough with bios.. * i will try switching via the bios tomorow (its getting late) and see if i get the same issue with 770 as primary and 560 as secondary. * Oh one thing i am noticing is that when im using the passthrough im forced to force stop the vm, as opposed to when vncing which i just stop. This would mean the VM isnt loading up the OS properly right and thus cant sned the kill signal? Looking at the "logs" of the vm from the vm tab doesn't seem to have anything useful... buut just incase This is the VNC when passthrough i just feel like im screwing something up at this point if its happening on two completely different generations of cards right? Thanks!
  3. thanks for the speedy reply testdasi, * should i do this fix for my windows vm too which is running the gtx 770 atm? (assume so, ill upgrade to the rc some time in the future still mucking about) * i have not tried switching the slots, but due to my mobo design and cpu cooler size , ive just remembered i actually have the gtx 770 in the second x16 and the primary is currently in the first x8, so i dont think i can without sacrificing gfx. would an 8x and an 16x attribute to any issues or am i simply experiencing the gfx reboot bug you have mentioned (which seems so as when i was doing the dump i could unbind but it would not let me bind the gfx again)? when i find some time ill try switching it up to see if itll work but due to the above i just dont think itll be viable long term, maybe ill get a smaller cpu cooler if i dont forsee a new pc anytime soon. * one last question for curiosity sake should the unraid gui/console rebind once the vm taking control goes down on a typical setup or is losing the bind until unraid reboot normal (jw if this is the reboot bug in action your mentioning)? Thanks for the input so far!
  4. Hey there, yes... its another one of these threads. Like all the others this is my first time playing around with unraid.. loving it, will i will probably switch my main beast over too soon enough So basically i have a gtx 770 in slot two, this can passthrough fine as its not used by unraid. but im unable to passthrough the gfx i have in slot one a GT 620, which unraid uses on boot. i have followed space invaders vid and dumped the bios, i have tried using both bios from techpowerup, i have tried following all the threads i could find but everytime i seem to be faced with "black screen of death". i was hoping to use the better gfx for gaming ona windows box and use the passthrough override for a dev vm (tried ubuntu and deepin so far). I have tried doing the on startup on array script but that seems to throw /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/boot/script: line 3: echo: write error: No such device i have also seen one person saying this is alot harder to pull off with older cards i.e the gt620. Slot 1 may not work, dump of bios may not work i am running an Xeon build so no grfx output via the mobo Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to debug why this doesn't seem to work or any additional info needed to help trace the issue further? or am i just forced to wait until i have another pc to play with? Thanks!!
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