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Everything posted by hellow

  1. And what problem is that? It would be really helpfully with a description of the problem, logs, screenshot of settings, config file if it's related to reverse proxy etc.
  2. I'm not sure I got the graps of your issues but I just want to make something clear. Htpc manager "talks" to the other services via the local ips so say you want to use the cp module the host/port should be the local ip of you computer. If you want htpc manager to open the couch potato we interface by clicking co header inside htpc manager you can add that under reverse proxy link inside htpcmanagers couchptato module settings. Do not use the reverse proxy option inside htpc manager general settings. If your using htpc manager as a landing page eg mydomain.net you have to change the nginx config to avoid a name clash. Say you want to open the couch potatoes own web interface at xxx.net/couchporato that will not work because that is the URL for couchpotato module for htpc manager. That why you have to use a webdir or change the urls inside the nginx config. I tried to keep this short as I have only access to my phone, I hope I makes sense. If it don't I'll post my nginx config later and explain it in detail.
  3. There isn't any "default" user account. If you enable authentication you get one admin account. Just add more users with the restricted users role.
  4. I'd guess it would be related to the ignore sections box in the Plex settings, but I'd be lying if I said I knew. Perhaps hellow can help as he's the author of HTPC-Manager You're welcome. Your right. The ignore section is for that. Simply add what section title to ignore list like this: kids movies, guilty pleasures, etc oh boy, don't tell him he's right, the rest of linuxserver team will never hear the end of it. Oh noes. Too late, I guess you just have to suck it up Thanks for helping out regarding support questions
  5. I'd guess it would be related to the ignore sections box in the Plex settings, but I'd be lying if I said I knew. Perhaps hellow can help as he's the author of HTPC-Manager You're welcome. Your right. The ignore section is for that. Simply add what section title to ignore list like this: kids movies, guilty pleasures, etc
  6. Ok, I was referring to the own build that plex pass users can download and install. But it should work then.
  7. Do you use the plex pass version of pms or the main one? Tried restarting htpc manager?
  8. Try logging in with same account that is logged in on pms. Are there any stars in that password?
  9. Its works fine here. Just be clear are you logging inn with the same username pw as is logged inn plex? Or a home user account?
  10. I just installed the docker, awesome work guys. I also installed the rutorrent docker, it was a breeze, i tried to install that on my rpi before but i failed so hard.. esxi - unraid - dockers <3
  11. Thanks for this smdion. There are loads of info on this forum, sometimes its hard to filter out what is relevant
  12. It's broken after they changed there api. I don't have access to a tvheadend so I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon. I tried to ping the original author of that module but he didn't respond. I had access to some other users tvheadend and tried to fix it but I lost my motivation when the access came and went. (His dad turned off the router at night) I probably should have disabled that module but your the second one asking, I think has been broken for over a year year I have a unpushed working branch where all the channels are listed correctly, to bad nothing else works
  13. Is pyopenssl included in the base image? If not htpc manager will not be able to create ssl cert and key for the user.
  14. I didnt seen psutil in the docker. Its that a part of the base image? Thanks for making this docker!
  15. My fork works great with plex, it does not support ssl connections to plex, if your using that you need to set ssl settings to preferred in plex. If you have plex home actived, you need to enter your username and password. You can view your media, the search filter current tab. So say you want all all movies released in 2014 or later you can do year>=2014, or simply 16 blocks. You can also start playback on a client, scan for movies etc Please make a issue on on github if you have problems
  16. Htpc manager does not support ssl connections to plex. It you wish to use ssl set ssl to preferred. I will not change this as if your planning to expose plex interface to the www, you should use plex.tv s login.
  17. Someone else can correct me, but I'm 99% sure since its running in a docker that it won't pull SMART data from the drive. Are smartmoontools installed by default? It seems to be missing from the dockerfile. We also need a newer version of psutil. So maybe install it via pip?
  18. I have never used that plugin. So I'm not really sure that I'm looking at. I do find it odd that the browser didn't send any headers or that the server didn't respond with headers. And I have no idea why there is google analytics in the headers as there are no ga in htpc manager (I might add that later to see what modules are used etc)
  19. I have no idea why this happens. Im having trouble reproducing the error. See https://github.com/Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager/issues/255
  20. Any features you felt was missing from htpc manager or was it design that made you switch back?
  21. they fixed that friday morning (uk time) My bad... Has the container been updated, like I said, on my phone with awful reception, so difficult to check, thought better safe than sorry.. it's a good warning because not everyone is going to have the edge routine enabled. I agree. I should have posted a warning here as well. The users of my fork should be safe tho, as the apikeys etc is masked in the log. This is all my fault, I painfully checked every module and the root page, the log access is in another file that I didn't check.... Made a fix to styxit and it was merged "instantly" Thanks to whoever has http://www.pknw1.co.uk/log/
  22. Dunno if your aware of it but it is a wol button inside the kodi module in Htpc Manager. I don't know if your still using it, thought I should mention it.
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