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Posts posted by ArKineX

  1. On 4/3/2022 at 7:36 PM, CmdrKeen said:


    I haven't had any issues manually dropping a new jar in my server folder and selecting it in MineOS. Make sure you dropped the paperclip.jar into the correct folder ( /config/mineos/games/servers/NAMEOFSERVER/paperclip.jar )


    If it is in the right place but not showing up, I would recommend launching the console for the docker (click the mineos docker icon in unraid and select console) and run

    chmod -r 777 /config

    this will probably take about 30 seconds to complete. once it's finished, restart the docker and see if the file you dropped into the server folder will show up.



    You da bomb!  I just realized I had older folders of standalone Binhex Minecraft servers I was running before I switched over to MineOS...and I was putting the files there.   Lolz....


    After going into the "MineOS" folder I was able to drop the correct files there.


    Going to nuke the old binhex folders now.  😃

  2. On 3/22/2022 at 12:10 AM, Vinster411 said:

    I have a question about the container port range. To mix things up I usually change standard port designations. and because of this I tried changing the range from 25565-25575 to 56555-56565. But when I start the Docker it uses the default ports.


    is there a way to change the port designation?






    Go to the Docker Container and edit it. Change the "Host port 2" setting.  Make this the new range for your servers. Apply, and restart your docker.




    Then when you login to MineOS, go make sure the Minecraft server you want to change is stopped.  Go to the server properties page of that server and change the "server port" of the server to a port in the range you designated.  When you start the server back up and check the log output and see if the new port took affect and then you can test.   Also make sure if you are hosting outside local you setup port forwarding on your router for the new Minecraft server ports you designated.




    I hope that helps.

  3. Been awhile since I posted last, but I decided it was time to update my Minecraft servers to the latest PaperMC out now.


    Last version I have is for 1.17.1.


    I have seen a few others on this thread with this same issue...once on the latest version of the MineOS container, there is no longer an option for PaperMC in the profiles selection to choose from.


    @binhex, with the latest version of MineOS, was PaperMC removed on purpose due to some compatibility issue or something?


    I have tried manually downloading the latest PaperMC jar from their site, puttying into Unraid....putting the new jar in there...changing the permissions to 0777 and Users/Nobody, but nothing I do seems to make that work either.


    The new jar doesn't even show up on the "Change the running jar file to..." dropdown.


    My question is what do I do now?  Am I stuck with 1.17.1? Since my servers are in PaperMC/bukkit format and would like to retain that, what do I use to bring my servers up to the latest?  How can I force PaperMC manually if possible?.


    Any help would be appreciated!

  4. 1 minute ago, dkerlee said:

    Couple questions.

    1. what's the difference between Binehex "minecraft" and "mineos-node"? Why have both?


    2. just installed Paper minecraft jar (papermc.io), it says


    Will an updated version of Java be shipped with the docker when appropriate? Or is that something I need to do?


    3. on Logging > log/latest.log, would it be possible to get rid of that "browser over run, reload page" error, and have the logs auto-scroll from the top, instead of fly by and go down below?




    @binhex can correct me here, but:


    1)  I believe the binhex-minecraft is for single server setups, but honestly I prefer MineOS as you have a GUI to manage your servers and you can have multiple servers running at once on MineOS.


    2) Yes right now he is using Java 8, but I believe he will update his docker containers to 11 when 1.17 comes out.


    3) That is a @binhex question.  😃

    • Like 1
  5. Hello everyone. I just wanted to confirm for everyone that after upgrading to Unraid 6.9.2, both of my PaperMC Minecraft servers are working with NO Java errors and the MineOS container can now run WITHOUT setting "Privileged" On.


    Big props to @binhex here for all the work he does!


    To avoid any issues I recommend that you:

    1) Stop any Minecraft servers first

    2) Do a backup of them (archive not restore point)

    4) Upgrade to Unraid 6.9.2 and reboot.

    5) If your container is set to startup on boot, login to MineOS and Stop the servers once more.

    6) Perform the docker update to the latest

    7) After the update go into the docker image and turn off "Privileged"


    You will still get the warning message on the Minecraft logs about the 1.17 update stuff, but I'm sure binhex will deal with that once 1.17 is released.


    Enjoy everyone!

    • Like 1
  6. Binhex:  Thank you for all of the hard work you do!


    I just wanted to add a couple more notes:


    I'm running the image: binhex/arch-mineos-node:2cd410a44e4873ebb215048d51509be07bacd89a-01


    Unraid 6.9.1


    My java version is:




    I'm running papermc 1.16.5 for both of my Minecraft Servers.


    They both WORK on this image. But they ONLY work if the container is in "Privileged" mode. Otherwise I get the same issue as others above about "Operation not permitted".





    I'm not sure which MineOS image version these issues started at (I haven't tested).



  7. 13 hours ago, IzzE said:



    Just change the marked line too binhex/arch-mineos-node:2cd410a44e4873ebb215048d51509be07bacd89a-01


    and you go back too a working image tested on Unraid 6.9.1 and no need for privliged.


    Thanx for the shortcut to docker use the image you want via the method you show here!


    I upgraded to 6.9.1 as well. As per your suggestion, I'm still running the working "2cd410"  image, but I turned "Privileged" off and restarted the container. It goes back to NOT working with it off.   So I stopped and turned it back on...and it works.  So it may work for some and may not for others.  I'm not sure why that is. Might be a Unraid 6.9.1 thing specifically, but not sure.

  8. 6 hours ago, JKEJSER said:

    I have the same issue - my server won't after the new update.


    Seems to be some sort of a permission issue, but cannot chown the server to user "nobody". 


    Downgraded to the previous image 2cd410a44e4873ebb215048d51509be07bacd89a-01 and the server work again.


    After doing a lot of searching, I found this. I have the same issue as most of you with the Java errors when trying to start your Minecraft Server after the latest update to binhex's mineos.  I also CAN CONFIRM that downgrading the image like user JKEJSER suggested WORKS!!!


    I should note that I am currently running Unraid Version 6.9.0 (I haven't updated to 6.9.1 yet.  =/ ).


    Go here to grab that specific image: https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-mineos-node/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated&name=2cd





    1) Just stop the current docker.

    2) Open up the Server Terminal located at the top right of Unraid



    3) Paste in the command to manually pull this image:


    docker pull binhex/arch-mineos-node:2cd410a44e4873ebb215048d51509be07bacd89a-01


    4) The image will install with this specific Image ID.


    5) Once done, make sure you open the container settings and turn on "Privileged" and click Done.



    6) Start the container back up and log back into MineOS.


    Make note of the image ID after logging in at the top right under the login to confirm it loaded the correct image:




    7) Start the server backup!






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