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  1. Hi ich777, I hope you are keeping well. I appreciate you are super busy at the moment, so there is no rush on this request at all, but please may I ask you to add Project Cars 2 Dedicated Server to your list? Details here: https://steamdb.info/app/413770/. Thanks again for all your hard work on these game servers, it's great to see so many in the apps list now :) Please let me know if you need any extra info.
  2. Thanks ich777, the game I am after is called Mindustry. It's a tiny game with clients that run on linux, MacOS, windows etc but I am not sure if the server is windows only or not. You can find the server here: https://anuke.itch.io/mindustry I have purchased the game on Steam but you can download the server for free via the website. I have also found a GitHub docker for Mindustry but it didn't seem to play well with Unraid: https://github.com/thehuntedpie/docker-mindustry Thanks!
  3. Hi Ich777, firstly let me say a big thank you for all your work on the docker game servers. I wanted to ask if you have a list of upcoming dockers or a facility by which one could be requested?
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