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Everything posted by xxbigfootxx

  1. Would that require shutting down the server and editing the syslinux.cfg file on the USB drive? Sorry, haven't done that before.
  2. Same here. I've been noticing the server run quite sluggish and i even installed more RAM into it. I can see in the logs there are a few erros with a PCIe bus, can someone help with what the exact issue is? zeus-diagnostics-20201016-0920.zip
  3. All finished and parity is valid. Everything working great. Thanks again!
  4. Just add it back in as a new disk. I've started the parity sync/ data rebuild, so will hopefully have good news tomorrow when it's completed. Thanks for all your help @JorgeB!
  5. Would this be the correct process for that? 1. Remove the 6tb parity. 2a. Add the 8tb as a parity drive. Allow the array to rebuild. 2b. Start the array Allow the array to rebuild. 3. Pre clear the 6th (old parity) 4a. Stop the array 4b. Add the 6tb (old parity) to the array. 4c. Start the array
  6. So how would i go about inserting a disk that is larger than the current parity? Add the old drive back in, wait for the data rebuild then action the steps in the link to stop array, unassign the disk, restart array, stop again, assign new 8tb disk as parity and the 6tb as same data drive that was rebuilt? Would that be the best way to do it? Or is there an easier/faster method?
  7. After a few reboots the disk was showing as unassigned. Disk was showing errors before
  8. I tried all slots just to test the error. Same on all disk slots
  9. Okay so the pre-clear finished with no issues. But now parity swap won't work?
  10. I've changed the SATA and power and running pre-clear just for peace of mind. Will let you know after I restart the parity swap
  11. What would you recommend doing? Should i leave it for another day and see how it goes? It is a brand new drive, but i haven't run a pre-clear on it. Should i cancel the parity swap and do the pre-clear then try again?
  12. I'm also having the same issue. One of my drive died and the only spare i had was an 8TB, so decided to action the parity swap. It has been running for about 20 hours and has not moved from 1% but i am getting reads on both drives in the GUI. Have attached the logs zeus-diagnostics-20201010-2052.zip
  13. I've also got this issue on mine. Server has only been running for 2 days at this point. du -sm /var/log/* 0 /var/log/btmp 0 /var/log/cron 0 /var/log/debug 1 /var/log/diskinfo.log 1 /var/log/dmesg 1 /var/log/docker.log 0 /var/log/faillog 0 /var/log/lastlog 1 /var/log/libvirt 1 /var/log/maillog 0 /var/log/messages 0 /var/log/nfsd 1 /var/log/nginx 1 /var/log/openvpnserver.log 0 /var/log/packages 0 /var/log/pkgtools 1 /var/log/plugins 0 /var/log/preclear.disk.log 0 /var/log/removed_packages 0 /var/log/removed_scripts 0 /var/log/removed_uninstall_scripts 1 /var/log/samba 0 /var/log/scripts 0 /var/log/secure 0 /var/log/setup 0 /var/log/spooler 0 /var/log/swtpm 1 /var/log/syslog 128 /var/log/syslog.1 1 /var/log/vfio-pci 1 /var/log/wtmp I seem to have two syslog files, one that is named syslog1 that is using all the log memory. Can anyone tell me what that is? zeus-diagnostics-20201009-2200.zip
  14. If it's not supported does that mean that i'll have to stick with the local adresses instead of using the subdomain?
  15. I'm having an issue with my subdomains that i've configured. All are accessible outside my network with no issues at all, but i can't seem to connect internally. I know there must be some setting that i've done incorrectly, but i can't figure it out. Anyone know what might be causing it? let me know what logs to provide if needed.
  16. Did you manage to get this resolved at all @busa1?
  17. I get this error when trying to run networksetup When you say the network config for the device, do you mean the VM Manager settings? I'm bridging my default ethernet adapater as i only have the one network port on my mobo. No firewall set in my modem, its a Netgear D7000v2. Are there specific ports i need to open or anything?
  18. I've attached some screenshots below. I definitely have internet access from Unraid and have been using it without fail for a few months now. I'm pretty sure the VM has internet becuase its not showing the 'network connection required' error but rather that it can't connect to recovery server specifically. I can't ping my modem, but i can ping google IP,, DNS seems to be an issue as i can't ping google.com. Not sure why mine is failing but everyone else seems to run so smoothly. I am running an Ryzen CPU if that makes any difference?
  19. Can someone please help. I'm getting an IP but can't talk to my router or ping internet. Server has internet, and is working great. I've tried reinstalling the VM about 10 times, each one following the SpaceinvaderOne MacOS installation guide. Any help would be great.
  20. Still having this issue. I can't install any MacOS VM as they all come back with that same error. I've tried changing all i can in the XML. My server definitely has internet access, i think it might have something to do with the VM network bridge that's unable to receive internet access...? Anyone have any more ideas? @SpaceInvaderOne
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