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Everything posted by tylerism

  1. Getting the same error with Paperless. Have tried both IP and docker name but keep getting "Unknown file extension." in the loggs.
  2. I have been using Cloud Commander to move files from my download share to my Media user share for some months but my dedicated cache pool for my download share is now full. When I look at my Media share can I see that the files that I have moved are located att my cache pool (nvmeb) instead of my array. My Media share is set to use Cache pool: yes, cache is another pool disk that I have. I have tried to run the Mover but the files stay on the other cache pool (nvmeb). I have not moved the files to a disk share with Cloud Commander. Files that have been copied to my media files without Cloud Commander are correctly saved on my array. When I browse my media files I can see the files correctly. How can I correctly move the files to my array?
  3. Yes, the container was stopped. My disk is almost full. How much space is needed to create the database?
  4. Tried to delete the folder but I get the same error. This is the content from the db.log if it could help in finding the problem. [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema'; [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.dbSchema' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `version` FROM `dbSchema` ORDER BY `version` DESC LIMIT 1 [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev'; [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_version'; [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.eventlog' doesn't exist), Query: INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('0',NULL,'global',NOW(),'5','Observium updated: -> 19.8.10000') [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev') [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: INSERT INTO `observium_attribs` (`attrib_type`,`attrib_value`) VALUES ('current_rev','10000') [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_version') [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: INSERT INTO `observium_attribs` (`attrib_type`,`attrib_value`) VALUES ('current_version','19.8.10000') [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.config' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT * FROM `config` [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema'; [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.dbSchema' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `version` FROM `dbSchema` ORDER BY `version` DESC LIMIT 1 [2019/12/15 08:26:46 +0100] discovery.php(371): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.devices' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT 1 FROM `devices` LIMIT 1;
  5. Here is the content of the beginning of the log file. The docker was updated yesterday with the new version. ** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init... Dec 11 02:35:38 99818e7bd47a syslog-ng[12]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2' *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh... Using existing PHP database config file. warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job 1 at Wed Dec 11 02:36:00 2019 Timezone not specified by environment variable *** Booting runit daemon... *** Runit started as PID 35 Database exists. Starting MariaDB... Dec 11 02:37:42 99818e7bd47a cron[41]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3) Dec 11 02:37:42 99818e7bd47a cron[41]: (CRON) INFO (Running @reboot jobs) 191211 02:37:42 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/databases/99818e7bd47a.err'. 191211 02:37:42 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/databases Dec 11 02:39:01 99818e7bd47a CRON[304]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi) Dec 11 02:40:01 99818e7bd47a CRON[351]: (root) CMD ( /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py 2 >> /dev/null 2>&1) Dec 11 02:40:01 99818e7bd47a CRON[352]: (root) CMD ( /opt/observium/discovery.php -h new >> /dev/null 2>&1)
  6. I get the following error in Chrome when I try to connect to an a new docker installation. DB Error 2002: Permission denied Have tried to remove the folders in the appdata folder but it doesn't help.