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  1. I'm in exactly your spot right now, being forced do run my internet connection at home over LTE. You COULD run an OpenVPN-server on your VPS, connect to it with your RPI and route all the incoming traffic on your VPS through the VPN-tunnel through the RPI to your private network. I've plunged hours into that solution, without getting the routing to work properly. I'm now on a pretty similar solution to yours, connecting from a VM on my server via Reverse SSH to a VPS and forwarding all the ports needed. My problem: I can't get UDP-forwarding to work...
  2. You should have a look in the BIOS/UEFI if the bootstick is still recognized and if it's still set as the primary boot media.
  3. Cheers! Yesterday I noticed, while a Parity check was running, that the performance of my gaming vm took quite a hard hit, resulting in lags and a drop of framerates while playing AoE2 (not the most demanding title on top of that). As soon as I stopped the Parity check process, performance instantly went back to normal. With a 3900X, 48 GB RAM, isolated cores and the VM running off of SSD/NVME outside of the pool, a Parity check shouldn't take sush a hit at system performance on such a quite beefy machine - or is this pretty normal? Thanks! homeserver-diagnostics-20211119-0822.zip
  4. I am indeed running XMP as well as the stock CPU overclock on my MSI mainboard. Will revert those to default and observe the behaviour. Thanks!
  5. I've got 17 containers total, and on an "update all" it's always exactly 1 (random) container showing the question mark. Upon a forced update on that container it is then resolved though. I just ran a btrfs-scrub including corrupted-block-repair, which finished successfully without any erros found. Is there anything else I could do? EDIT: It seems that a btrfs-scrub + corrupted-block-repair has fixed the issue (for now). Checking for updates takes about 10 seconds, download speed is back to normal and no more "?"-status reports. Thanks a ton Squid! ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Uploading working now - Diagnostics attached. ๐Ÿ™‚ homeserver-diagnostics-20211114-1955.zip
  7. For the last couple of weeks I've noticed that the overall docker services on my machine are extremely slow. While the dockers itself run perfectly fine performance-wise, the updating process is atrociously slow. The "checking" process runs in an endless loop, I've already let in run for 30+ minutes without any progress. Upon reloading the page, I see which dockers have updates available and which don't, so the process must've finished in the mean time. Strangely, there's always exactly one random docker that doesn't seem to be able to retreive a status update and shows the "no update available" info (don't know the exact wording at the moment). On top of that downloading updates for dockers takes ages, even packages as small as a few MBs take minutes to download. My overall download speed on other devices/services is perfectly fine though. CA is up to date and runs perfectly fine and fast as well. I'm not using Pi-hole as a DNS for UnRAID, which uses Cloudflares instead. Changing the DNS to the likes of Google or OpenDNS didn't improve anything here. Thanks in advance!
  8. I'm trying to run this docker in a custom bridge network in conjuction with your mariadb docker. At first I tried running both dockers in the same custom br0, this led to a 304 error starting the second docker though (is this not possible). Running the Nextcloud docker in a custom br0 and the mariadb docker in default bridge mode, Nextcloud is unable to connect to the database. So far the only possible config of running this setup is running them both in bridge mode. Is there any workaround for this?
  9. I'm not quite sure if I'm really understanding your question... Externally (for your router), the exposed ports are always running to the IP address of your Unraid-Server, and are then either passed through (in case of a Bridge or custom-br network setup) or run directly to the docker (in case of aHost network setup).
  10. A little bit off-topic - may I ask how you set up specific Containers to send their logs elsewhere?
  11. Hi! Quick question: Is it possible to store the logs of a single docker to a specified folder on the array or cache? Preferably configured in the docker template itself? Thanks in advance! ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. After every lockup, I removed the docker including its image as well as the appdata folder. Since I could still access the logs after the lockup, I just reinstalled the docker with default values again, in hopes to check the logs for any insights. Lo and behold, so far it seems to be running stable (although quite slow compared to my installation on a Raspberry). Which is strange, because I also had those lockups in the beginning using the default settings of the Template. Anyways, I will continue monitoring the Docker behaviour while setting up Email notifications. Thanks again for your support, ich!
  13. FIrst of all, sorry for the double-post. Had a look at Prometheus (as suggested), but due to my long history with it, Checkmk is still the way to go for. I tried the whole morning getting the docker for it to work - pulling different versions, playing around with extra parameters, different paths, UID/GID settings, ... Nothing worked. After 1-2 minutes, the Checkmk docker gets errors that it is unable to retreive any data and locks up, pulling the whole system with it. I can't even download Diagnostics anymore and have to hard-reset the server to get it running again. I'm currently running Checkmk in a VM, which works fine, but I would just like to migrate to Docker, already having set up a Postfix docker for it as well. Is there any way to troubleshoot my problems with this Docker and maybe find a solution?
  14. Thanks for the info Squid. ๐Ÿ™‚ Since this specific Docker image is pulling all its relevant informations from env-variables, this shouldn't be a problem. Still wondering though - I tried mounting /etc to a folder in /appdata, and while the were some files created, some curcial files were missing (or not created) and postfix had problems starting and terminated after a couple of tries. For example: postconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory
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