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Posts posted by randomninjaatk

  1. 3 hours ago, Josh.5 said:

    As mentioned in an earlier post, I will be removing the current sunshine impletation and replacing it with something different. 


    Sounds great, the main reason I wanted to try sunshine is because I seem to have odd graphical artificating/glitches. The artificating also shows using the web interface, so not sure if sunshine would really solve it... Was hoping to see if I would have different results. When I briefly tested with an Nvidia GPU, had a loaner, it did not experience the same artificating...


    Thanks for spending your time on this, it is a really cool project!


    Edit: Here is a pic of the artifacts that I'm seeing. Can be seen in game sometimes, and a lot more easily in the steam big picture mode:



    This happens with software or hw encoding. Interestingly enough, for testing purposes, I moved the GPU (AMD RX 6700 XT - Reference) to my newer system so I could test further, and it has the same issue as the previous system (Old System i5 8th Gen, new: i5 12th gen). Also while getting this setup it tried to use the onboard iGPU and that did not experience the graphical artifacts, only when using the AMD card...


    I'm going to try to build a VM with GPU pass-through to see if its less of an issue there....

  2. @Josh.5 So testing the latest update with Sunshine, but cannot seem to get it to work using a AMD gpu. Basically the connection gets terminated instantly. I was able to add the host to moonlight client via PIN, using the sunshine web interface, but after attempting to connect, it terminates instantly.

    If I had to guess, its because its lacking components to support AMD/Intel GPU or Software encoding. I tried setting it to all methods that I have available, including software encoding, but that did not work, same result. Probably need to add ffmpeg to the image, would be nice to be able to use intel igpu for vaapi hw accelerated encoding in sunshine, could also be used for steam's built in remote play functionality.

  3. So ran across a project that enables moonlight streaming and it could be a good alternative to steam remote play.


    Project: Sunshine
    URL: https://sunshinestream.github.io/


    Any chance this could get incorporated? It is supposed to have better quality video and possibly lower latency. I've tested it some and it works great on other systems. Would be nice to have this packaged into this container as an alternative to steam's remote play option.


    Edit: Updated to the correct URL


    Follow up edit, stumbled across another project that is similar to this, thought it was interesting, also appears to utilize sunshine: https://games-on-whales.github.io/gow/

  4. Does anyone else get artifact info when remote playing via steam link app?

    See the attached pictures.

    This happens regardless of the encoding method. In my case I have Intel i5 8700k for hw acceleration, or AMD RX6700 XT.

    If anyone has any tips on what is causing and how I could fix it, I’d appreciate it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Funny enough, sonarr-sma already exists... However, it appears there was a bug in my template... So I fixed it. hopefully it'll show up soon on the unraid community application store/catalog

    • Thanks 1
  6. After a fresh install.


    Removed plugin, removed container. Full reboot, reinstall plugin, reboot, reinstall container. It appears to be working with my limited testing. (test from phone using touch controller, and pc using steam streaming)


    I believe my issue was the template I had was missing a few parameters, after reviewing the advanced settings. Notably the "-v '/dev/input':'/dev/input':'ro'" which makes way more sense now to why it was not working.


    The only thing I'm noticing is that I get latency spikes every now and then. I need more time to mess around with it more.

    Also it seems to be limited to outputting 1080P at most. I believe I have a 4k Dongle attached to the gpu via hdmi, but maybe its using the iGPU monitor to detect resolutions?


    The iGPU has a monitor connected that is limited to 1080P. But unraid is not booted into GUI mode, just regular terminal mode.

  7. 6 hours ago, Josh.5 said:

    Try restarting the unraid server and then see if the controller works.


    Tried a reboot and using either a DS4 or Xbox Series S/X controller connected via BT on the apple tv. Everything works in Big Picture using Steam Link app, but as soon as a game loads, it no longer works.


    I can turn on mouse mode via steam menu options and that will still work in-game. But unless it's a point and click kind of game, its kinda useless.

  8. Just now, domrockt said:

    the same as by me, a shame that the new Apple TV has no USB connections :D i could not get it to work with my Bluetooth XBox controller, my PS4 Dualshocks work fine via Bluetooth.


    Interesting that you say it works with a DS4 controller. I have 1 DS4 and a few 8bitdo Pro 2 controllers. So I can also give those a try when I have a chance later.


    My default go to is to use the Xbox Series S/X controller though. I prefer the joystick layout and it's a quality controller.


    I'll report back after I've given it a test.

  9. 5 minutes ago, domrockt said:


    do you have the Bluetooth variant? if yes try to plug it in via USB or better use Dualshok Controller. There seems to be some problems with the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth ones.


    It's connected to the Apple TV 4k via bluetooth and the Apple TV is remotely connecting via the steam link app (streaming).


  10. I just got this setup with a 3060 and everything loads great. But controller input is not working.

    I have the controller plugin installed and the docker configured in host mode.

    Is there anything else I need to do?

    Testing with my iPhone and Apple TV with the steam link app.

    The touch controls in game also don’t seem to work…

    Host is:
    8th gen I5
    64 gb ram
    Nvidia 3060 12GB

    Remote devices:
    Apple TV 4K + Xbox Series S/X controller over BT
    iPhone 13 Pro with touch controls

    I will keep messing with it because I had just gotten it set up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. I'm building a second 12th gen system myself. I currently use an 8th gen i5 with HW transcoding and it works great.


    I would say stick with 12th gen, even though HW transcoding for tone mapping doesn't appear to work yet. I would believe this will get resolved in the near future, and by running 12th gen, you can later upgrade your motherboard to swap to DDR5, giving you greater longevity.


    Just my thought...


    Once transcoding is resolved, I will probably move my 12th gen to the primary system and make the existing mobo/cpu combo as the secondary system.


    EDIT: However, if you need something right now that has to work, you should probably consider 11th gen to be safe. Since I'm building a second system, I can easily wait for everything to get updated. And then move the parts to my main system once everything is resolved and use my existing 8th gen as the secondary system.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 18 hours ago, Kudagra said:

    And does the script have the capability to upgrade current media to a higher profile like it would do with a standard download client? I've tried testing it with Lidarr's settings with no success so far.


    New update should be out that will allow you to set which list types to process. Effectively enabling that feature.



    10 hours ago, Kudagra said:

    Thanks for the quick response. I'll try messing around with my file paths in order to force it to re-download all my current content. Now to attempt learing 'beets' for the auto encoding!



    Also curious, what format are you looking to convert too? The original script used to have conversion features built in, not sure if I'm going to re-add it.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Kudagra said:

    I'm not sure how much influence Lidarr has on the script's download process. Is it possible to implement a proxy? or will it take advantage of a proxy already setup in LIdarr?


    You likely have to set the network of the container to use proxy. Everything is completed in the container itself. It only makes API calls to Lidarr, so it would not use lidarr's connection in any way.


    4 hours ago, Kudagra said:

    And does the script have the capability to upgrade current media to a higher profile like it would do with a standard download client? I've tried testing it with Lidarr's settings with no success so far.

    It currently doesn't do upgrades. That could be something I add, right now it only processes missing list, not cutoff.

    • Thanks 1
  14. For everyone on this thread,


    You can migrate directly to linuxserver.io Lidarr container using the preview tag. Simply change the repo to the new location you'll convert to the new image.





    However, I would recommend that you do the following instead: Set up a fresh container and point the config directory to your existing lidarr-lad appdata folder, and map the same volumes as the original container.

  15. 10 hours ago, Wavey said:



    Hey great job but I have a few questions.


    1. Are the instructions on github meant for Unraid as well?

        - I ask this because there are references to a config file, unraid doesn't make one I'd have to go get it from your github and I wanted to make sure that was the right thing to do.

        - Also how is the .bash being run? Unraid wipes everything at restart so the only way that I can think of to run the script is using using scripts.


    2. I don't use Beets, can I just bypass stuff having to do with beets or is it required?


    3. If I only want Lidarr to use Deemix do I have to set up any other search or indexers in Lidarr? Can I just add artists and have the script run it?


    4. PathtoDLClient, how do i set a path to deemix when its a docker? setting it to mnt/user/appdata/deemix is nothing


    Essentially all I want is Lidarr to use Deemix as search/downloader and I'm assuming this is it but it's a tad bit complicated, sorry I'm not the best at this. I might just start again one day and go through step by step.




    1. The entire config is included in the docker configuration options. So no, you don't manually change anything in any config file. Just install from the community store and configure. The script is run via cron if you enable autoruns.

    2. It's optional

    3. Your assumption is correct, you can strictly use the built in client

    4. You don't need to set this, docker is pre-configured


    Hope that answers your questions

    • Like 1
  16. @RinkyDinkBear


    I've built a new container just for music videos only... url: https://hub.docker.com/r/randomninjaatk/amvd


    Once I've figured out a icon for it, I'll publish it on the community store. I'm working on separating some of my script functions fro this into separate containers to make it more manageable. My original script is quite complex for me, and makes it difficult for me to manage with so much crammed into one script.

  17. On 6/24/2020 at 11:29 AM, Bumblebus said:

    Forgive me for asking but what exactly does the "lidarr automated downloader" script add to Lidarr? My current Lidarr container can already automatically search and download songs using usenet and torrents, rename and place those files where Plex can find them.

    It uses third party software to perform downloads automatically, so not torrent or usenet.


    On 7/26/2020 at 2:14 PM, RinkyDinkBear said:

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to limit the music video downloads.  Is that something I need to create in a youtubedl config file?  Currently the script is downloading every music video that exists for each artist in my collection; i'd like it to only download the music video's that match tracks in my collection.

    I believe right now there is a config option to limit it to only matched musicbrainz releases (LAD: Music Videos Require Match). However, that only limits it to matches for all of musicbrainz releases for an artist. There is no capability to limit it to only what is in your digital library...

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