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Everything posted by Ryanc1256

  1. I just was reading through some reddit posts and some forum posts :). But i've also seen that 6.7.0 doesn't help some people... it's a bit hit and miss haha
  2. I’ve tried everything I can physically try and still no luck passing through any ssd or hdd. Some people have suggested 6.7.0 has solved their problems but I’m unsure how to manually update libvirt. but I need it to work so I’ve reverted back to beta 25 for the time being but quite happy to test it if there is a potential fix
  3. There is a current bug with libvirt 6.6.0 where you can't pass through any raw drive as the devmapper can't map the target to the vm.. In unraid you get an modal prompting of an error of Unable to get devmapper targets for /dev/disk/by-id/ata-{device name} Bugs listed below https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/67921 https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/itrm6j/error_starting_domain_unable_to_get_devmapper/
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