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(Solved) Dashboard Thumbs Down

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I'm new to Unraid so I hope you'll excuse me if this is a dumb question.


I just put my disks in my machine and built my array. Almost right away, I got a notification that one of my disks has UDMA CRC error count: 1. From the research I've done online, this is apparently not a big deal at all unless the error count continues going up. So far, it hasn't. However, on the Unraid dashboard, I'm still getting a yellow thumbs down for that disk's SMART status. I know I can't reset the UDMA CRC error count and I don't want to. But will that SMART status change to thumbs up eventually if the error count stays at 1? I want to be able to easily notice if the error count increases or if some other error occurs. I haven't started using the array yet. Is there anything I can do about this?


Thanks so much in advance!

Edited by mrkvchm
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Thanks lol


I wonder why that option had a checkbox. I had to unselect acknowledge to get the thumbs up. Maybe just having the button without a checkbox, or at least having the checkbox clear and selecting the option would be more intuitive. Or maybe it was just a bit of a glitch on my end.

Edited by mrkvchm
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