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(SOLVED) Cache SSD fail, no containers after restore


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Hi all, Happy New Year!!

A little help please:


I had an HDD fail so replaced with an alreay prepared replacement HDD (I once had multiple fail and no spares to hand!).

After powering down to replace that drive, my cache SSD died totally, not even spotted in BIOS!  I dont have a spare so running for a while without a cahche drive.


I have recreated appdata share and restored from ca.backup (took an eterninty!) and rebooted but no docker containers have reappeared after a reboot.

My container config is still there:

root@Server:/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user# ls
my-Cacti.xml             my-EmbyServer.xml  my-HDDTemp.xml   my-QDirStat.xml      my-matrix.xml     my-tasmobackup.xml
my-CloudBerryBackup.xml  my-FileBot.xml     my-Influxdb.xml  my-duplicati.xml     my-nextcloud.xml  my-tautulli.xml
my-DiskSpeed.xml         my-FileZilla.xml   my-Minio.xml     my-ferdi-server.xml  my-plex.xml       my-telegraf.xml
my-Duplicacy.xml         my-Grafana.xml     my-Netdata.xml   my-glances.xml       my-plex22.xml


Unraid prop 6.8.3, diag attached.



I could just recreate my containers manually but shouldn't they have recovered after the steps I've taken?


Edited by fysmd
added a bit more info
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8 minutes ago, fysmd said:


I could just recreate my containers manually but shouldn't they have recovered after the steps I've taken?

No.   You restored the working files (in appdata) but it sounds like not the actual binaries for each container.  The easy way to do this is to use the “Previous Apps” option on the Apps tab to tick of the ones to be re-installed and to cause your docker containers to be re-downloaded with all their settings intact.

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  • fysmd changed the title to (SOLVED) Cache SSD fail, no containers after restore

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