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[SOLVED] Drive failed during parity rebuild, can I recover?


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I have an 8 drive array, and had a drive showing an increasing number of UDMA CRC error count, I decided it was a a good time to change it.

A parity check was performed, single parity drive.

Drive #4 a 5Tb was removed, but I still have it.

I replaced Drive #4 with an 8Gb and let the parity rebuild begin.

When almost complete drive #8 which had no indications of previous errors and no pre-failure concerns.  I do and did look at all drives health before beginning.


Now the array wont start because of too many wrong drives.

I have the original 5Tb and it is still a functional disk.

If I try to add it back it to the array I assume it will just want to be reformatted as if it is a new disk.


So I am coming to the knowers-of-all things, am I F'd?


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Looking at your diagnostics it seems disk8 has completely disappeared - is this correct?   Have you tired power cycling the server to see if it comes back?


Since you still have the original disk #4 intact you should be able to get back to a working state with your data intact even if disk #8 is completely dead.  However I would recommend waiting for @JorgeB as the best person to provide instructions on the necessary steps.

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3 minutes ago, wyodoc1 said:

Correct, it is terminal and will not register in BIOS, I have tried several systems to eliminate the motherbaord and an USB drive enclosure. 



@JorgeB should be able to guide you through the steps using the combination of the New Config tool and the invalidslot command to get you into a state where the array is using the old disk #4 and emulating the missing disk #8.   Do you have the disk available for rebuilding the missing disk #8 (perhaps the one you were trying to use for replacing disk #4)?

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I do have the original drive #5 I removed and can use the intended replacement for it to replace dead #8.  This gives me some hope, thank you.

I will do some reading on the New Config tool, and the invalidshot command, but wait any offered guidance before I try anything.


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This will only work if parity is still valid:


-Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply
-Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed, including old disk5 and new disk8, replacement disk8 should be same size or larger than the old one
-IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array (note that the GUI will still show that data on parity disk(s) will be overwritten, this is normal as it doesn't account for the checkbox, but it won't be as long as it's checked)
-Stop array
-Unassign disk8
-Start array (in normal mode now), ideally the emulated disk8 will now mount and contents look correct, it might not since the array was started without old disk5 so parity won't be 100% valid with it back in, if it doesn't mount hopefully a filesystem check on the emulated disk will fix it
-If the emulated disk mounts and contents look correct stop the array
-Re-assign disk8 and start array to begin rebuilding.

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Drive failed during parity rebuild, can I recover?

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