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After buying license and swapping usb drive, users dont work at all.

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Hello. My trial unraid worked flawlesly for 3 weeks. server was down for 2 weeks while waiting for parts to be installed.

i changed my old HD5870 to Quadro 600. Installed LSI 9211-8i IT Mode. Installed 1 more old hdd(un assigned for now). Placed SSD into MB sata3 port 1 (since mb has 1-3 Sata and 5-6 Sata/ide wich caused some crc errors and was "forced" to get LSI) and all 5 HDD into LSI.


i made unRaid flashdrive backup in webGui, but was unable to use it into new sandisk cruzer fit (nano), also normal clean unraid didnt work with creator tool, it got stuck. it worked fine with old cheap chinese unbranded usb. i was able to get it working after many tries by unzipping the backup into drive and then run that .bat (make it bootable) and voila, it is now booting.


Also when server was running in trial and ssd had crc errors, i moved SSD to old 1tb HDD and i detached ssd. after this LSI card, i was unable to use that HDD as cache, it said it is unmountable or something and had to be formatted. so most of my cache files were destroyed, only 2h of minecraft gameplay and something else, not a loss.


Now that i got this running with all installed and all. root user and AES key work fine, but none of my user accounts are working with old password or if i change it to new, still doesnt work. even i create new user, it doesnt work. do i need to upload log files or something, or is any of these actions have something to do with this problem? Dockers and VM has been disabled when i detached SSD.


On that unRaid bootable drive tool, the progress bar goes 100% also saying something like writing or something. but nothing gets written into usb. i tried different ports, USB 2 and 3 etc.

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1 hour ago, Vertabine said:

On that unRaid bootable drive tool, the progress bar goes 100% also saying something like writing or something.

Where and when are you seeing this? Is this related to getting the diagnostics? I always run headless and manage my server using the webUI on another computer, so when I get diagnostics, it downloads to the computer I am running webUI on, just like any other website.


Diagnostics might tell us something.


You should boot from USB2 port. USB3 seems to be unreliable connection for some and flash must have a reliable and constant connection.


root user has access to webUI and command line. All other users are strictly for file access over the network. root user is treated like an anonymous user for file access over the network.


Is that they way you are trying to use the users?



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3 hours ago, trurl said:

Where and when are you seeing this? Is this related to getting the diagnostics? I always run headless and manage my server using the webUI on another computer, so when I get diagnostics, it downloads to the computer I am running webUI on, just like any other website.


Diagnostics might tell us something.


You should boot from USB2 port. USB3 seems to be unreliable connection for some and flash must have a reliable and constant connection.


root user has access to webUI and command line. All other users are strictly for file access over the network. root user is treated like an anonymous user for file access over the network.


Is that they way you are trying to use the users?



Ahh, silly me.


2weeks ago before shutting down the server for 2 weeks, everything worked well. including smb shares with user accounts while accessing from my main gaming pc. both machines are connected into same 1gbe switch.

After all these hardware swap and new flash drive and license upgrades. user accounts stopped working for smb shares. root acces works WebGUI and via telnet normally. It is only normal users wich are not working via smb. even if i create new user, no luck in smb shares. 1 smb share is working, wich is mapped in windows network drive with Z: , but i just noticed that is defined as public, public access work normally for SMB shares.


Flash drive is in same USB2.0 port where previous one were and worked well.


Unraid.USB.Creator.Win32-1.6.exe, with this i was able to create legacy boot drive 5 weeks ago from normal 6.8.3. Yesterday it was unable to create, after downloading that stock zip file to extract into flash, its ok. but when its supposed to be writing those files into drive, nothing gets written and creator app shows full green bar withouth any progress.

even if used local zip file (unraid uptodate flash backup from previous drive), gets stuck in same phase as previous. 1time i waited 1hour withouth any affect.




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Thanks man. For some odd reason, my problem went away after couple of days comp turned off.

But i was able to replicate it while my main computer was on and changed password in unraid, that caused the issue and i had 1 public folder mapped as network drive and prevented that thing to work properly. so that "net use * /delete" thing fixed it right away :)


the main problem probably were that i forgot the right password and didnt get it right, then changed the password and got this problem and i was thinking that creating flash boot drive as i did might have caused that :D



On 1/27/2021 at 11:37 PM, trurl said:

If you can boot up, but can only access public shares, then that probably indicates a problem getting your computer to access Unraid with the correct user.


See here:




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