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Unable to set appdata to unassigned drive anymore?

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So I had everything working, except I noticed my Cache drive was set to Btrfs so I stopped the array to chagne it to XFS.  After doing so, my docker doesnt seem to find its old appdata share on the unassigned disk anymore.  I can set the docker image file to the unassigned disk but when I click into the path I get the array shares instead for the appdata folder.  Please see screenshot for what I see when I click on the 2 fields.Capture1.thumb.PNG.aab850e03c5d1153191a6725ecba5f8f.PNG

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First point - (and forgive me if I misread, you may know already but just the way I read it I had to point it out)

- You can't just change your cache drive to XFS like that.  You first have to copy the data off that you need (which is probably where your app data is - it's often there by default), then reformat the drive.  If you've already reformatted the drive, then you'll have to create a new app data.

- Assuming I'm right about the above, it may be that:


a). You're pointing it at your unformatted XFS drive, in which case you might be able to change it back to BTRFS and be lucky

b) It's the unraid bug (never figured it out myself) where sometimes you just have to type the path into that box manually.  For some reason the browser doesn't always work.  But for reference, mine IS currently working for external devices.


I'm sorry if this is not helpful, but it's all I can think of right now.

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It must be a bug then.  I made sure my csche drive was empty before switching to xfs and formatted it and everything.  That part went off without a hitch.  I guess its the only change I did before I noticed this started happening so I mentioned it.


Typing the name manually does appear to have worked because I have my krusader and other dockers running now.  I basically deleted everything docker related.  Image file, Dockerman templates, etc and restarted from scratch.  The bug is still there, but I can manually type the path.  Looks like the VMs are having the same issue but I have yet to try setting one up, so hoping I can manually type a path there too

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