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Changing a data drive to a parity drive?


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Good evening,


I have been using Unraid for a few months now (Ver. 6.8.3 and I love it! I have grown accustomed to removing drives and doing a data rebuild but now I am puzzled, so here it goes:


I have capacity for 9 drives, and they are currently all in use. I have 1 parity drive, but I would like to change one of the data drives to a second parity drive. I have looked through the community and seen a lot of different suggestions on how to do this. From doing 'New Config' but that I need to use unBalance to move the data off of a drive first? Another post suggests to remove a drive and then add it as the 2nd parity but that still leaves the array expecting the drive will be replaced. Is there an easier way to do this?


I have found this wiki https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/Shrink_array#The_.22Clear_Drive_Then_Remove_Drive.22_Method but am worried about data loss. Probably just overly paranoid but was hoping I could get some insight from those more advanced in the community before I proceed.


Thanks in advance!

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