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eth0 has no ip but br0


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My new unraid station boots up but either via DHCP or statip IP I don't get access to the WebGui.


Ifconfig output see attachted file


br0 has the ip setup in the unraid usb creator. And eth0 indicted device interrupt 61.

I tried to setup manually an ip to eth0 but still no webaccess... thanks for the help







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Hello unAdvanced user ;-)


Thanks I updated the Bios to the last version and used the version 6.9 rc2. This solved my issues.

Strangely the eth0 still had no IP address but the device interupt error was vanished. Is it normal that only br0 has an IP?


Does anyone have an idea when 6.9 stable is released? I don't like to be on Release Candidate versions...


Thanks tschinz

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