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[SOLVED] Mover not moving files from Cache to Array


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My unraid Mover is not moving data off of the cache drives into the array. The data is downloaded from Jdownloader2 docker and saved to media. I have double checked use cache is set as "Yes" under Share settings for media.



Things I've tried that I found while searching the forums:

I removed Mover Tuner, and Auto turbo write mode. Restarted, stopped all dockers and invoke the move without success. 


Any help is greatly appreciated as I am lost.



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You do not seem to have set the Minimum Frees Space value for the share to stop unRaid selecting a drive when the free space falls below that value.  The drive is selected at a point within unRaid where the size of the file is not known and if it does not fit you will get an out-of-space error.  Ideally you want that value to be set to a value larger than the largest file you expect to transfer to the share.


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Hi itimpi, I think you've nailed it. However I am still struggling to force unRAID to move data to disks other than disk1.


Here are the steps I have done:

1.) Disk 1 is full (28kb free)

2.) Move 25gb of files off disk 1

3.) Under share settings, set minimum free space to 25gb for Media & Downloads. I have verified data on my cache is only on media. Largest single file on cache is around 42gb.

4.) Restart unRaid to ensure settings kick in, probably not required.

5.) Click move

6.) Files still gets moved from cache to disk 1 ! 


I have actually done the above steps multiple times, each time increasing the minimum free space and always end up filling up disk 1.


Do I need to set a minimum free space value that's bigger than the largest single file, so 42gb as stated in step 3? And also move ~50 gb of files off disk 1 temporarily?

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8otT34X

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5 hours ago, belupig said:

Hi itimpi, I think you've nailed it. However I am still struggling to force unRAID to move data to disks other than disk1.


Here are the steps I have done:

1.) Disk 1 is full (28kb free)

2.) Move 25gb of files off disk 1

3.) Under share settings, set minimum free space to 25gb for Media & Downloads. I have verified data on my cache is only on media. Largest single file on cache is around 42gb.

4.) Restart unRaid to ensure settings kick in, probably not required.

5.) Click move

6.) Files still gets moved from cache to disk 1 ! 


I have actually done the above steps multiple times, each time increasing the minimum free space and always end up filling up disk 1.


Do I need to set a minimum free space value that's bigger than the largest single file, so 42gb as stated in step 3? And also move ~50 gb of files off disk 1 temporarily?

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8otT34X

On having another look at the settings for your Media share the other value have set that could cause problems is the Split Level setting.   Sorry I missed that earlier :(     In the event of any contention between the various share settings over which disk to choose for a folder/file the Split Level setting always takes precedence.   This can force unRaid to try to try to put the file onto a drive that does not have space for it.   A more relaxed Split Level setting is likely to be require in your case?.  There is a good description here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI that describes how the Split Level setting works.


since unRaid never moves files automatically between array drives you may want to initiate a manual move of files off disk1 onto other drives?


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18 hours ago, itimpi said:

On having another look at the settings for your Media share the other value have set that could cause problems is the Split Level setting.   Sorry I missed that earlier :(     In the event of any contention between the various share settings over which disk to choose for a folder/file the Split Level setting always takes precedence.   This can force unRaid to try to try to put the file onto a drive that does not have space for it.   A more relaxed Split Level setting is likely to be require in your case?.  There is a good description here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI that describes how the Split Level setting works.


since unRaid never moves files automatically between array drives you may want to initiate a manual move of files off disk1 onto other drives?

I have set the split level setting to automatically split any directory as required and this solved my issue. unRaid automatically move cache data to a disk with more free space. I am not too concerned about splitting my data across multiple disks. Thank again for the help!

18 hours ago, itimpi said:



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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Mover not moving files from Cache to Array

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