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Drive failed, replaced, Data rebuilt, another drive failed - sanity check

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I had a drive failure a few days ago (Disk 5).

Replaced it with a new drive, precleared and then started the data rebuild.

That finished a few hours ago, but it appears that I have had another drive failure (Disk 8 this time).


I am mostly concerned that the data rebuild wasn't successful for disk 5 - although the message on screen was green and said that there were 0 errors.

I have checked some random files on Disk 5 and they appear to play back fine.


I've attached the diagnostics file, would someone be able to confirm that the rebuild of disk 5 did complete successfully?

I'm paranoid that it wasn't successful and that I have lost data on that drive.


Is it common for other drives to fail during a rebuild - I thought the data was reconstructed from information on the parity drives (or is it stored across other drives on the array as well)?


Once thats done, 'll have to start the process all over again with disk 8.


Thanks in advance



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16 minutes ago, LFletcher said:

I am mostly concerned that the data rebuild wasn't successful for disk 5

Rebuild was successful, because you have dual parity, and disk8 appears to be really failing so it needs replacing.


17 minutes ago, LFletcher said:

Is it common for other drives to fail during a rebuild - I thought the data was reconstructed from information on the parity drives (or is it stored across other drives on the array as well)?

It's ratter common since all drives are read during a rebuild, including parity, dual parity saved your butt here.

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