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Trying to install on a VM gets slower and slower

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I am having a strange issue. I have never really delved into VMs on unraid but as I cannot get timemachine to work on unraid itself I thought I would be clever and install a VM with OpenbMediaVault to manage that aspect.


I have elected to put the main install on the cahce which is SSD, so fast I guess. I have allocated 12 cores and 8 gigs. The installer worked fine and quick and I could get to the interface but then something in the update went screwy and it would no longer boot (never had this issue on ESXi) so I tried again, deleted the VM created a new, different name etc. This time it starts out nice and quick again on installing OMV, but it got slower and slower         and                        slower.



What should be a 3 minute instal is upto 40 minutes now, with the progress bars barely moving. 




So I tried again. This time even worse. 


I have not tried rebotting the server yet, but thats what it feels like, ram run out or something (The dashboard says less than 5% is being used)



What could cause this behaviour is there a setting I have gone wrong with somewhere, should I not use the cache?

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