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The docker engine on my Unraid server stopped working after a system restart.

Whenever I start docker through Settings>Docker, it fails with this error :


I dumped the diagnostics logs and in logs>docker.txt I see these errors repeated :

time="2021-03-10T01:09:17.575975073-08:00" level=error msg="Handler for GET /v1.37/containers/1e68ea6dd62a23ca10cb30af63f60f03aba1f5d2539fd91a6d9fc4def54accbc/json returned error: write unix /var/run/docker.sock->@: write: broken pipe"
2021-03-10 01:09:17.576036 I | http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from github.com/docker/docker/api/server/httputils.WriteJSON (httputils_write_json.go:11)

time="2021-03-10T01:20:29.784989507-08:00" level=error msg="Force shutdown daemon"


Any idea what this error is, and how I can resolve it?

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Reboot.  If it doesn't fix it, then post a new set of diagnostics.  Currently you're being spammed by

Mar 12 07:40:11 Tower kernel: resource sanity check: requesting [mem 0x000c0000-0x000fffff], which spans more than PCI Bus 0000:00 [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff window]

which also happens to me every couple of weeks when using my video card for transcoding.  Wouldn't hurt to ask in the nvidia support thread about that.

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