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start over

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I have been playing with unraid and am nearing the end of my trial.   I would like to wipe everything and start clean.   I don't need to save any of my data since it was only for testing.    Whats the easiest way to wipe the disks and start over?   I have 4 sata and 2 nvme drives.   I will be making the purchase after I get it back up.  

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Do you want to securely overwrite the drives? That is what is typically meant by wipe, and takes a long time.


If you just want to format the drives, which just writes a blank table of contents, that's much quicker and you can do that just by selecting each array drive in the GUI and changing the desired format type, and for the cache pool you can do a blkdiscard on the device names.

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Since I am reinstalling there isn't a need to securely overwrite the drives.   That's mistake I made last night I didn't format aything except my usb key thinking it would just reformat the drives when i booted up.   It found my shares and docker containers just as they were.   Thanks

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44 minutes ago, jmadd said:

Since I am reinstalling there isn't a need to securely overwrite the drives.   That's mistake I made last night I didn't format aything except my usb key thinking it would just reformat the drives when i booted up.   It found my shares and docker containers just as they were.   Thanks

reformatting a drive is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI.

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