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[SOLVED] Moved from 1 ethernet port MB to 4 port supermicro, can connect in, but not back out

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So I upgraded my server from a 1 ethernet port motherboard that was working fine to a supermicro system with 4 ethernet ports on it.  I can mount my array and connect to the server OK from my network, as well as mount my network drives on my PC, but no ability for my unraid server to connect out to the internet or even ping my router.  Very confused.  Could use some pointers.


Attached some details that seem to commonly point in the right direction in the hopes it will help:


Router is at


Any assistance greatly appreciated!




Edited by dgriff
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Ok, stand down, can mark as solved.  I'm a dumbass... I had ARP-reply required on my network to add security, but it didn't forget the MAC of my old machine, so when I plugged the new one in on the same IP, it refused to reply because the router thought the new one was an imposter.   Good security, maybe overkill for a home network? :)

Edited by dgriff
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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Moved from 1 ethernet port MB to 4 port supermicro, can connect in, but not back out

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