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Split Level vs High Water

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Which is recommended to go with Split Level or High Water.  I am reading over the Unraid manual and I am not sure which to chose....  http://www.lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Manual#Users


They each seem to have their advantages.  If I did go Split Level it would be set to 2 considering my media layout would be.





>>>Movie Files







The only thing I worry about is the other shares I set up for documents etc.. Can I set up a different split level per share?  Or Can I set it to hight water...




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You might be a little confused. You use both split-level and allocation method since they serve different purposes.


Split level defines the highest level in the share directory hierarchy which can be split among multiple disks. The allocation method set determines which drive will be picked. Your available allocation method choices are: High Water, Most Free, Fill-Up.



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