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[SOLVED] All data goes to 1 drive - Unraid 6.9.2

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Hi there.

I'm experiencing problems with all the data that I transfer to my shares on the unraid, is being placed all on one disk only and not equally on both disks in the array.
Array is configed with 2 480 GB Kingston SSD's, and a Samsung 960 nvme as cache.

The shares use allocation method High-water. Photo share use split level "Automatically split any directory as required" and all disk are included.
where as my TV share use "Automatically split only the top level directory as required" and includes all disks.

Attached diagnostics exported from unraid installation.


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Okay, but what can I do to recreate this file?
I'm complete rookie to unraid, and I actually just created the system yesterday, so I don't see what i should have done differently when creating the shares etc.

Another side note is that i can access the shares, and see the data, even though that share.cfg is missing.

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1 minute ago, Juhlzzi said:

Okay, but what can I do to recreate this file?
I'm complete rookie to unraid, and I actually just created the system yesterday, so I don't see what i should have done differently when creating the shares etc.

Another side note is that i can access the shares, and see the data, even though that share.cfg is missing.


Not sure as it is normally there by default.


You could try going to Settings -> Global Share settings and making any change and pressing Apply as that files stores settings associated with that page in the GUI.


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I tried copying some files to the photo share, and this actually went to Disk2. So it must, as you both mentioned, be my split level on the TV share that caused this. 
Also i changed  the split level on the TV share, to confirm that they would be moving to Disk2 aswell, and it did. So I guess changing that makes it work like i expected. :)

Just a quick question, I'm curious as i find it weird all the photos went to Disk1 when the Automatically split any directory as required, has been said as split level. Shouldn't these have been split between the two disks evenly?


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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] All data goes to 1 drive - Unraid 6.9.2

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