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Some or all files unencrypted (SOLVED)

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One of my shares is showing that not all of the files in the share are encrypted. I have not been able to find a way to determine which files are not encrypted or why they are not getting encrypted. This share does use a cache pool if that is relevant. Any pointers on how I can identify what is going on here?


Edited by Defuse
  • Defuse changed the title to Some or all files unencrypted

Your array is encrypted, but the cache pool isn't, and there's files in that share on both the pool and disk 5  You can see which files are unencrypted by Clicking the little folder icon at the far right on Main Pool Devices.  


Once mover runs, the files will get moved to the array (if they aren't in use at the time)


I suspected that might be the cause. Is the cache pool not being encrypted intentional/by design or is that something that I missed doing on initial setup? If the cache pool cannot be encrypted is there a best practice recommendation for dealing with that?

  • Defuse changed the title to Some or all files unencrypted (SOLVED)

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