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Damaged drives, server recovery options

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I made a gigantic mistake last week by tripping and dropping my Unraid server while moving. Two drives had SATA and power ports break in the process (lots of other stuff did as well, but I care about the data). The remaining pins are attached but bent pretty badly. I'm assuming I won't be able to rig these things so they'll power up and be readable again. They may, but I'm going to assume the worst.


The two drives included my brand new 12tb second parity drive, and a data drive I had added to the array, but limited it to surveillance camera storage only. I'm pretty sure I care about the data on the 12TB Parity drive, but I couldn't care less about the surveillance footage on the data drive.


I DO have a primary parity drive, and as of now, it is as large as the largest disc on the system.  I'm assuming it will still be good.


So, I have a few parts incoming, and I'm planning to rebuild. IF I start the array up missing a data drive and a parity drive, is it reasonable to assume I can remove the two damaged drives, rebuild parity, and move on?


And yes, I feel like a first-class knucklehead for dropping a perfectly good server.

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If you mean can you simply proceed with the good drives then that will be possible.     However I am a bit concerned when you say you are worried about the data on the parity drive as a parity drive does not contain data -  just parity information.    Am I missing something and you think there is some data to be recovered?


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  • 1 month later...

An update. Finally got everything cobbled back together, and have discovered that one of the data drives that I thought was good is not. Unraid hangs at boot until I disconnect it.


So, the "busted" list is:

1 parity drive

2 data drives


I still have the original parity drive and 2 data drives behaving properly.


Do you think I have any hope of getting everything back with this many drives out of commission?

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