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Another Win10 Shares Thread

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Hi all,


Made an account to write this here. I'm running on a fresh install of Unraid 6.9.2. I've got a handful of shares created on my server. Almost all of them are Secure but I have one of them configured as a Public share for testing purposes. All shares I'm attempting to access are set to Export.


My computer is running Win10 Pro ver 20H2, build 19042.985.


I've tried a number of fixes at this point (the AllowInsecureGuestAuth fix, the Lanman workstation fix, and even the SMB1 fix for a little bit) but am still unable to connect to my shares. My server shows up in the Network section of File Explorer, but when attempting to open that computer I get the following error:




My DNS is configured on a Pihole, and that Pihole has a DNS entry configured to point ericserverpc to its private IP address, which I can confirm with an nslookup.


I'm at a loss for what might be causing this and how to ultimately resolve it. Anyone have any ideas what else I might be able to try?

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Yup, and on top of that everything is already in the same workgroup. Even changed the workgroup across all of my relevant devices to something other than what it was originally (but still the same one across all my computer, Unraid server, and qnap NAS) and it changed nothing.

The only time I was able to remotely navigate to it was when SMB1 was the only SMB protocol active, which is not a configuration I’m willing to keep.

Edited by eroc1990
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Somehow missed the password protected sharing toggle but even after I tried that nothing worked.


Like I said the only case where it did actually work was when SMB1 was the only SMB protocol enabled, and I'd rather not drop support for SMB 2/3, since my Qnap NAS (per my configuration) requires a minimum SMB version of 2.1. Disabling anything after 1 would break the bulk of my SMB shares.

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