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Array Undefined issues among other issues.

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Hi Everyone,


I seem to have no end of issues with my unRAID install and am wondering if the diagnostics here can give any of you any insight as to what I have got going on where it is user error, (very likely) or if there is some other culprit that is causing me to have no end of issues. 


I have been removing plugins left and right to try and fix it but to no avail as usually the errors mention dynamixs something or other so all of those plugins have now been removed. I am unable to shut down the Array properly and have been for months like that. 


I appreciate any and all support.


Edited by GreenGoblin
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  • GreenGoblin changed the title to Array Undefined issues among other issues.

Your problem is all the uninitialized CSRF tokens.  Anecdotally, this only happens if the memory is full (which yours isn't)


I would however stop all the rclone  / mergerfs stuff for the time being (and reboot) to see if that fixes it up.


Also, you shouldn't be mounting that stuff within /mnt/user  It should be mounted into /mnt/disks (or /mnt/remotes) instead

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