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Unraid ZFS Pool + Share issues

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I'm 2 days new to Unraid. Currently I have one unraid server that I built a few days ago running a couple windows VMs for NVR stuff.


I'm in the process of converting my second bare metal Plex/media server to unraid and I'm running into an issue with ZFS. The original bare metal was running a headless Centos 7 system with a ZFS (RaidZ2) pool called Storage. After throwing in a quick dummy drive to start my array, I installed the ZFS plugin + dashboard GUI plugin. when the ZFS plugin installed it detected my existing pool and imported it.

zpool status reports back my pool config and shows it's online.

zfs list shows the pool, used/aval storage, and mount point.

df -h lists the filesystem correctly

On the Centos server I have the mountpoint as /Storage, which it picked up. In the million tabs of unraid ZFS searching I have open I read that Unraid wants everything to be in the /mnt/ so I've changed it to /mnt/Storage. No matter what I do, what video I watch (watched both of level1tech's) or what search terms I use googling I can't find the solution to what I think is probably the easiest issue to have.


How do I get Unraid to recognize it, or let me add it, as a SMB share?


Thank you for your time!

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You want the mount points to ideally be in /mnt/disks or /mnt/remotes.


Even there, in order to export it via SMB you need to modify /config/smb-extra.conf on the flash drive and add in something akin to (d efinitely not what you'd use though)

    valid users = andrew
    write list = andrew


That is, unless say the ZFS companion plugin supports exporting.

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That got it accessible. I still need to back up some stuff (plex) from my old centos install so changed the mount point back to /Storage. So temporarily I added it as the original mount point. So as of now, I can access the network share, but I noticed unraid doesn't list it in the shares tab. Is that because it's done via the smb extras or because it's not in a /mnt/ location?

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